I love the (seasonal) winter holidays! Thanksgiving… Christmas… and to a lesser extent – New Years. These were and continue to be very special days which, for me, meant home and family. I do appreciate that my experiences aren’t mirrored in everyone’s lives but mine are so blessed. Which means that I get incredibly nostalgic… this year seems to be more so.

Why? The song, “There’s no place like home for the holidays …” keeps playing over and over in my mind, partially because happiness and joy seemed to blanket us all at this time of year. There seemed to be a gentleness, an attempt for understanding to permeate relationship and interactions. It always was true … and I miss this! And at the center was – Home. Again, not everyone’s experiences of this time of year at home, are positive and uplifting. If yours are, then you too are incredibly blessed.

What’s different in the now from the then? People. Family members who have gone home to be with the Lord aren’t present to gift us with their particular touches. Yes, there are new members… just wish I could blend the then and now people. (Never said I wasn’t a cake and eat it too type.) And as nostalgic as I am and can become, the point is to live in this particular moment. If I don’t, then I will miss making new memories. Even worse, I won’t honor those earlier memories and that I don’t want to do.

So, 2019 – making new memories with those who populate my life. It won’t change the emphasis of Holidays = Home, only the participants. Making my world famous (in my mind) fudge, thinking about doing some cookies…, decorations up, Christmas letter sent. Not a bad start.

There is also a major consideration – not to lose the reason for the season. It’s all about the Lord… or it should be. He is our reason for joy and peace, happiness and wonder, and should be the basis about how we interact with the time and each other. Father God gave us a wonderful gift of salvation. How are we handling it? Are we spreading its message of life? Regardless of anything, we have a great deal to celebrate and should demonstrate this! May you be touched by the love…wherever you call Home.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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