Occasionally I include a note of ‘explanation’ (further understanding) for the reader. This is such a time. I undoubtedly have said something similar in the past…
If you’ve read any of my posts you’ll see I include a great deal of scripture. Reason and Purpose merge as to my why. Too often we see only opinion presented without any substantiation for the comments and sometimes no indication of the source and their ‘expertise’. There has to be some basis that reinforces or provides the foundation for the what and why it is said. Our opinions are ALWAYS based on something: our experiences, what we’ve read, what our friends think, etc. I want to present a strong foundation for what I say and why. Therefore, I try and provide scripture that reinforces what I am sharing and hopefully… not out of context.
Starting with my ‘what’. My What (writing and teaching) inspiration comes from many sources and people. As is readily apparent – the writing is NOT rocket science. Then again… it never was never intended to be. I want to be able to touch people right where they are and what they are experiencing, what I have referred to as ‘in the trenches’. I believe there is a vast potential audience and I want to have the opportunity to speak into their lives whether they are a brand new Christian, one who has backslid, or someone who just needs a bit of encouragement. So what I write about are those everyday ‘things’ that populate our lives. Using scripture provides the reality that the Word is relevant to us today in our lives and how we respond and resolve those issues.
If you also noticed, there are certain subjects (forgiveness, faith, mission, growing in the Lord, etc.) I write about… often. However, it rarely is from the same perspective… it may be a new consideration, or a new layer/depth, or a challenge, or an opportunity, etc. We never totally exhaust all we can learn… or understand in any of the various areas and aspects in our living. ‘Fresh’ understandings mingle with tried and true answers.
I do hope you are challenged and encouraged by the writing. Do feel free to contact me to begin a dialogue. Iron does sharpen iron (Proverbs 27:17) and I am always discovering and sharing, because… we all are a work in progress.