Strength’s source

Have you ever considered the source of your strength? Do you know what threatens or challenges (these are not the same) your strength? Do you continue to build up your strength? Do you think you are strong enough??? Do you know who/what your ‘enemy’ is?

Sometimes we forget how scripture describes, defines us. Conquerors (Romans 8:37), Joint heirs (Romans 8:17), New Creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), and able to do all things (Philippians 4:13). Those are only 4 of the definitions that tell us who we are. Why do we forget who we are or buy into a lie? Do you believe … you can (fill in the blank)? Do you act as if you are a conqueror, joint heir, new creation, and able to do all things?

“And do not be worried, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and  your stronghold.”  (Nehemiah 8:10, AMP)

Joy is strength! According to one bible dictionary, Joy is: 

“Joy isn’t like happiness which is based upon happenings or whether things are going well or not…. 
Paul mentions some of the fruits of the Spirit … so joy is one of the fruits or the results of having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. You cannot fake joy…you either have it or you don’t. Paul writes  to the church at Thessalonica (1 Thessalonian 1:6) indicating that joy is associated with God the Holy Spirit and that the “righteousness and peace and joy [is] in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17) and finds it    source in God as even “the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 13:52).

That’s powerful! Joy is not insignificant. It is an incredibly strong foundation to build one’s strength upon. What about you? 

Obviously, we all need to have our strength have a source to stand on. Yours? Hadn’t really thought about this? You’re not alone but when your strength is tested, you do need to know your source. 

My suggestion is that you first look at yourself. Who are you, at least at this point in your journey? Whose are you? How do you go about demonstrating this? What does the Word tell you who you are… regardless of your feelings? Next, look at the foundation of your strength. You’ve been given the full armor of God (Ephesians 6) to wear for your protection – do you have this on? And third, how is the Holy Spirit manifested in this? When you consider the fruit of the Spirit you see that ‘joy’ is one of the fruits. Is joy evident in your life?

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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