How ’bout now?

The Lord saved me. I certainly can’t take any of the credit. it is patently obvious that we can’t save ourselves. But He took the time to single me out and say ‘she’s mine’. And if He did it for me… He’ll do it for you. He didn’t ask me to do or be anything to receive His invitation, except to accept it. All I needed to do was to acknowledge my condition, a sinful person with no hope (regardless of how ‘good’ I might be), and believe that Jesus was all that He said He was and did, and accept Him as my Lord. Which is all that anyone needs to do. If you haven’t… how ’bout you? And if you have… are you acting on this?

Simple, yes? Maybe not. We are an independent creation with an ‘I can fix it’ or a ‘I want to do it my way’ mentality. So what does making Jesus Lord entail? What do we have to ‘give up’? When you realize that Jesus always accepts us ‘just as we are’ but has so much more for us, you begin to grasp the fullness available to you. It really isn’t so much a ‘giving up’ as it is an exchange for something better. Granted I could be wrong, but I don’t believe that the Lord wants us to stay in the condition we were before He saved us. Yes, we were ‘a wreck’ before He saved us, but our salvation was from that position into an heir and joint-heir (Romans 8:17).

I realize that I talk about making Jesus Lord a great deal in various ways, but that’s because this is the beginning. The rest of my writings are predicated on this foundation. Once you have unequivocally made Jesus your Lord then you are in for a wonderful adventure-based journey of discovery. You’ll discover what will help you in times of stress, challenge, obstacles, etc. And you’ll experience times of joy, increased understanding, fellowship, etc. You will have a life of abundance, regardless of your circumstances because this doesn’t define you.

Nothing will make much sense for us until we put off the old man and put on the new (Ephesians 4:22). This is never one and done but a continuing process. Our growing into who we are and can be is a process and we need to realize that it isn’t instantaneous. And yes, we will slip, make ill thought decisions, sin but we have a way back into relationship (1 John 1:9). We are not alone, we are not defeated (Romans 8:37), we can stand. And no device of our arch enemy – the devil – will ever separate us from our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).

What if you have made Jesus Lord, but really haven’t given Him access to give you your abundant life? What if you’ve been a Christian for a long time but haven’t grown? Backslide? Or maybe you are tired of all the stress and can’t seem to find your way out of the desert you are in? What if you are trying to walk a tightrope between the carnal and spiritual worlds? Won’t work. (Romans 8:7) You must choose. And now is a good time to do that (John 10:10). He has told us He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7), He will make a way (Isaiah 43:19, 1 Corinthians 10:13) Everything is prepared, you have your invitation and it’s for all of you not just part – the good in you will be enhanced and you will be able to overcome the bad. How ’bout now?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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