Soooo… are you? Are you still on fire for the things of the Lord like you were when you were first saved? If not – why? The Lord hasn’t lost or misplaced His passion for you, why has yours grown cold… or only lukewarm? Most important… are you concerned? Do you want your embers fanned into a fire? Are you still hungry and thirsty for the things of God?

Passion : “intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction,  a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept…” (Webster).

Scripture expands our understanding: 
“…for where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also.” Matthew 6:21, AMP)

Considering both definitions we see that passion is a driving force based on a strong foundation and that it affects our wishes, desires. One of Webster’s synonyms is – love. Which leads to the question… has your love for the things of the Lord grown cold? Are you doing anything to change this condition… do you want to? Do you think you even need to?

Psalms 69:9, AMP says: “For zeal for Your house has consumed me,” – is this your ‘condition’? How do you know? When you consider that we are supposed to be salt and light… not sure how we can do this apart from passion. Our message to the world is powerful, life changing, so how can we present this if our passion isn’t engaged? 

Are you on the sidelines because you believe the lie that you can never be of use for the Lord? And goodness, you sinned after you were saved! Granted, and your point? You do remember that when you err and sin, you have a way back into relationship (1 John 1:9). We should be mature enough to know, not just realize, know that the Lord isn’t surprised when this happens. Obviously, not pleased… just not surprised. And wouldn’t He have considered this in advance and prepared a way to restoration? Of course. If He gave His life for us, wouldn’t He want us to continue? AND, do you realize just how powerful this revelation can be for those who aren’t saved? If that isn’t ‘shoutin’ time’, what is? 

I realize it may be difficult to comprehend a love that deep, that pervasive… but this is truth. Remember, He wants the best for you and He knows that He is the one that can help you to this. Maybe your issue is what to do with your passion, being on fire for the Lord? Simple. What’s at your hand, or more precisely – who? You can share and display your passion about the Lord with… whoever is at hand. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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