You can’t move in cement

While I realize that the title sounds like a ‘duh’… we often don’t apply that thinking. Once we, because it is we that do this, put any one or any thing in cement – they’re (we’re) stuck, nothing can move. Cement is not designed to be flexible, it’s design so that whatever is in it won’t move. Why would we ever do this to ourselves, to others, to life , let alone want to!? We have been designed to grow, to seek maturity, to become. Why wouldn’t we allow this same mindset to be associated with people and with ideas and understandings. I’m not certain that we ever get to the end of understanding (fill in the blank) because there always seems to be another layer, a greater appreciation.

When you seriously consider this… the ONLY person/thing that doesn’t change is God. He said He didn’t change – end of discussion. 

“Jesus Christ is [eternally changeless, always] the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8, AMP)

“For I am the Lord, I do not change [but remain faithful to My covenant with you];” (Malachi 3:8, AMP)

Actually, what would we want to not change… and for what reason? However, our understanding does grow, does expand as we interact and develop our relationship with the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Relationships, human and spiritual, are designed to continue to develop. When they don’t, they tend to atrophy because we don’t engage with whom or what – ever. I don’t think we ever learn everything about everything… which is why we need to be involved and engaged… expectant. Besides, this is the best method I’ve discovered to become who I can be. In cement – it’s static.

Part of (my) the thinking is that when I do have something that I can count on, be assured of – like the changelessness of my foundation – then I can be bold, confident when I try to grow, to understand something I previously didn’t fully grasp (even when I thought I had). But if I allow me to grow, to change, I have to accord the same option for others. I do try and not let my predispositions control and meet each interactions with openness. And yes… my preconceived ideas do get in the way at times.

I do appreciate that ‘cement’ gives us a way/method to order our lives and what populates and/or emerges into it. At some level we all need a way to order so that we can respond appropriately and understandably. But cement is so … predictable and, let’s be honest, boringly. What do you gain with cement? Other than a hoped for predictability… nothing! No spontaneity, no excitement, no discovering or adventure.

There’s so much to learn, to discover, to share, to enjoy to allow cement to dictate. If you must have order then allow the order to shift and move. Being excited about life and those that populate yours is really much preferable. Cement blocks this. Risk living rather than only existing. Meet the ‘new’ with openness and anticipation. Throw open your windows!

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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