
Wobbles can be of varying lengths of time. They can affect various aspects of our lives. They can even be of varying degrees of seriousness… and definitely of varying expressions. Wobbles typically are atypical of who we, typically, are but they do affect all of our selves not just areas. They surprise others but sometimes can take longer for the wobblee to self recognize.

What is a ‘wobble’? I suspect you may already know but may call it by a different name. Webster’s second definition of this word as a noun is: “an uncertain directed movement”. The Brits have another word when used as a verb: judder. All in all, it means a lack of personal control, uncertainty, and can cause a sense of frustration. Fortunately, wobbles don’t (have to) last that long.  

Personally, I try and focus on the positive aspects of the wobble, even when it is totally after the fact. I don’t like to repeat wobbles is my reason. And, for me, the word ‘wobble’ is less harsh than other words that could be used. How we react to our own wobbles is the point. What do we do to resolve a wobble? 
Obviously, the place to begin is to look at what caused the wobble in the first place. Was it a reaction? Did you feel attacked or challenged? Did you find yourself without any answer to the cause? Those are only some of the factors that can cause a wobble, but it is important to ‘sort it out’. Sorting begins with identifying. Would the ’cause’ always cause a wobble from you or was it simply the surprise, the unexpected and definitely the unwanted? Definitely you need to look at why you wobbled.

Next comes your resolution… which often is in the form of you accepting the cause because it really isn’t catastrophic and devastating. Accepting typically is also expressed in a somewhat embarrassed form but a grudging admitting that you did wobble, past tense. It’s OK… we all wobble at times, the issue really is not digging in our heels as the resolution because eventually we will have to own up that we wobbled but are now OK.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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