Doing our living

Over the past 10 years, I’ve written on ‘Journey’ 5 times, the last time in January of this year. One could suspect that I like journeys (absolutely) and/or that I enjoy contemplating journeying (indisputably). Besides, there’s so many aspects and manifestations to the word: preparation, your position (planner, passenger, etc.). Which brings up an ‘aside’… I don’t believe, especially when considering spiritual issues, that one can ever come to the end of the subject. There are always new learnings, different perspectives, multiple layers, etc. Just like in reading we begin with the A,B,C’s, we do progress into reading with understanding at a much deeper/higher level. This is how I think we learn. First the foundation, then an expansion and further understandings, inclusion, relationships… and I could go on, but the point is made – never one and done.

Back to ‘journey’. [By the way… ‘Doing our living’ is another way, in my world of words, of saying – journey.] How do you view journeys? Do you enjoy them? Tolerate them? Avoid at all costs? How do you participate in journeys – involved? Letting others take the first steps? Critically? Enthusiastically? It isn’t only the going on of the journey nor just the prep state – it’s how you participate. I might point out that we all are on journeys… continually. They are impossible to avoid completely because standing still never lasts. Our decision is our how of participating in them. Do we want to grow?

What’s the polar opposite to journeying? One candidate would be a sense of sameness, that things will never change. That, no change, is impossible. Every day we are confronted, some would same bombarded, with change, with different-ness, whether we recognize it or not. There is a kind of hopelessness if we don’t look at our day with fresh eyes, able to see the day’s different-ness. Even the same people, the same work responsibilities aren’t the exact same as yesterday – look for the different and enjoy it.

Yes, it is our attitude. How we view our life that is the foundation to how we live our everydays. Why am I seemingly ‘beating a dead horse’? Because it is critical about how we go about doing our living. How we approach our day – full of wonder, anticipation or growly, irritated – that determines what we will experience. It really is our choice. And … how are You being in your day? Predictable? Negative? Excited? Full of good cheer? When others see you coming, how do they react – scattering or with smiles of greeting? All this gives you ample information on you and how you are perceived in your day.

And yes, it is our focus. What we are looking at. How do your eyes see? What is your focus, your goal for the day? If you say – survival… they you are missing a great deal.

“Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14, AMP)

Trust me… if this is your focus then it is impossible to not meet your day with joy. You are on a journey, a quest that will only end when you are called home. Sooo, enjoy the journey – be actively alive and involved, embracing, and loving your living.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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