I found it interesting that the ‘Title’ of Romans 8 is stated as: Escape from Bondage in the AMP, The Solution is Life on God’s terms in the MSG, Life in the Spirit in the TLV and ESV, Deliverance from Bondage in the NASP , and Free from Indwelling Sin in the NKJV. Escape, Life, Deliverance, Free. Those are incredible descriptions of this chapter. What does it say to you? And about you?

[Using the AMP translation] verse 1 begins with a powerful declaration by Paul:

“Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior]. For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has set you free from the law of sin and of death.” [v. 1-2]

The ‘condition’ – believing in Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior. The result – no condemnation. The context – law of the Spirit of life. I think that Paul was wanting the Roman Christians, who he hadn’t yet met, to realize the significance of what they did when they believed. It was life changing! The only real question is… have we allowed it to make a difference in our life? Does it lead and direct us?

I suspect the underlying question is – what’s stopping us from a complete surrender to Jesus’ Lordship? If it’s fear – that’s not from the Lord, uncertainty is a seduction the devil uses to thwart us from becoming all we can be. He couldn’t stop us from being saved so he’s now attempting to stop us from being effective. Never forget that we can use the same defense Jesus used – ‘it is written’! We are not unwise to his machinations. In resisting him – he flees.

Living in the reality that there is … now, no … does come with a requirement. We have to accept and act this way. It should make us more sensitive toward others and what they are battling. [It also can provide their ‘remedy’.] For some, it may be the living in the ‘comfort’ that they aren’t worthy. Of course not – none of us are. But it is part of the gifting that occurs when we accept and make Jesus Lord. But the familiarity of worthlessness can be enticing because of its familiarity; but it also comes with no responsibility – the great, I Can’t!

We are asked to grow into becoming all they we can be… that’s an unknown path, a journey not yet embraced. And the ‘comfort’ of the known (not worthy) can cripple us if we don’t ask the Lord to help us walk this new path. He will. I would suggest that He wants us to use our understanding and acceptance as the platform, foundation of … now, no … to be a basis of who we are, what we are sanding on, and become a blessing to others.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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