Writer’s Note

Every once in a while, I feel the need to restate the obvious… at least about ‘my’ blog and books. The writing is NOT rocket science nor deep theological thought. It’s not meant to be. The ‘Audience’ for the writings are you, right where you are, with all that you are facing, in the times and world you live in. My writing has and is always aimed directly at the reader. I want to challenge, encourage, assist in helping the person define and refine who they are and how they go about being them.

If you are blessed by any of the writing, the credit belongs to the Lord. I’ve always felt that He was the writer but that He blessed and honored me by inviting me into this journey, on this path. I’m really more of His scribe than the writer. I’ve always acknowledged His inspiration for what was/is written. If you think this very, very presumptuous on my part. No. I know who I am, what I can do and am beginning to see the ways in which the Lord (His Who and What) leads and focuses the writer me. What a blessing.

Personally, I’ve learned a lot from the writing. My growth is obvious. (Very cool) And, the source, the credit belongs to the Lord. I’m just delighted that He allows me to phrase the posts in my words. This mindset is the basis on which I chose the method – asking questions. Knowing how and what to ask is truly an art form, not just an information gathering form. You can be ‘given’ the answer but it’s more effective when you find the answer because you also find the sources of the answer.

Questions are a critical component in growth, in my estimation, and knowing what questions to ask, and to whom, and when is important. To me, questions provide the foundation to discovering. And if it’s me doing the discovering, then what I discover is more quickly incorporated into my knowing – I own the knowing. And remember my bias – you can’t un-know. However, You can change, improve, replace…

And yes, I do speak on the same topics… these are eternal issues and never one and done. We grow in understanding as we consider all the facets and implications and responsibilities and opportunities…. etc. I rarely say the same thing but consider the topic/subject from a different perspective not unlike pealing the layers of an onion. We grow in depth as well as breadth and begin to appreciate the learning even more.

All of what I’ve just shared underscores, defines, and explains the context and content of the blogs and books. My prayer is that it is a blessing to those who read. The goal always is to grow… to become all that we are intended to become. We are all in a process and the Lord isn’t finished with us yet.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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