Intimacy: into me see. How powerful is that?!! I can’t take credit for this, Pastor Robert Morris taught on this. But what does this mean for you? Do you allow anyone to see into you? It is our choice. And even though the Lord does have the ability to do this – He never acts against our will. The Lord is speaking these words to His family. He is stating that intimacy is a gift He is giving to us and He does this by giving us an invitation, permission to: into me ..see.

Do you know your definition of intimacy and what this looks like operationally? If you don’t, they how do you know you have or don’t have an intimate relationship? The next question is – is this what you want? More importantly, who do you want in your definition and understanding of intimacy? I don’t believe that all relationships are intimate, nor do they need to be. Truthful – yes. Loving – yes. But not necessarily intimate.

“Intimacy is defined as a “close familiarity or friendship; closeness.” We all long for unconditional acceptance and closeness. We want to be cared for, known, understood, and loved for who we are.” [Proverbs 19:22 NIV]

Quite honestly, this only begins to define intimacy. Look at the many verses that Jesus spoke that talk of Oneness. And how can you have Oneness apart from an intimate relationship? He prayed often that we all would be one. His ‘One’ was in terms of relationship example: John 10:30, 38/ 14:10/17:11, 22 and those are only a few of the verses. The point should be our developing relationship with the Triune God that’s available for us. Do we pursue this? Do we even want this?

My answer is a resounding YES! For me it’s the moment by moment reality tat we are actually invited into this depth of relationship – and that is so wonderful. Long ago the Lord pointed out to me that it wasn’t the first time He was aware when I had sinned. He was there! This, I know, is a kind of ‘duh’ but I really hadn’t considered His comment that He would never leave or forsake us actually did mean that He was always with us. If He’s with us then He knows… besides, remember He is all of the Omni’s. However, it doesn’t stop there – He is seeking a relationship with us and inviting us into this.

If He is true and faithful to His Word, and He is, then why not develop a broader and deeper relationship? I think He’s just waiting for us to know and want this. Remember in Genesis when God brought the animals to Adam to name? I think this speaks to the kind of relationship we are invited into. I believe, especially in my fanciful moments, that both the Father God and Adam had great fun doing this.

Father God has spent so much time and effort affording us a relationship that isn’t just crisis-driven. He made a way for us to be righteous [2 Corinthians 5:17-21] since He can’t be in relationship with unrighteousness. Then He made a way when we sinned [1 John 1:9] to cleanse us so we could be in relationship.

Want this? As always… the decision is ours.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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