I suspect that ‘ and ‘ should surround each of the words in the title… but for different reasons. Please don’t read this as cavalier, superficial, or impertinent… any and all revelations from the Lord are significant. Rather than ‘random’ perhaps I should have said – unexpected. Quite honestly, I always feel quite honored when the unexpected happens. [And yes, I tend to look each day as an opportunity for the unexpected.] It may be a ew discovery for me, it may be a deeper understanding, it may be a ‘correction’, it may be a direction…. regardless, it’s always a positive for me. And ‘Revelations’ can also be rephrased as discoveries, new understandings. Because this is what’s the focus/context.

My belief is that when it comes to spiritual hatters… it’s never one and done. We can always grow in our understanding because every topic/issue/learning, etc. is in layers (line upon line) so we are ever expanding either our understanding or our application to (fill in the blank). Nearly as important is that when these times occur, we need to be able to refine and define our discovery. One way is to share it with a trusted friend that will help you in the refining process. This is the best of iron sharpening iron.

According to (https://www.patheos.com/blogs/christiancrier/2015/08/18/what-does-revelation-mean-a-biblical-definition-of-revelation/) the definition of revelation is:

“The word revelation simply means a revealing of something or someone. It is to reveal what was before hidden. It’s like opening a curtain or a door and seeing what is behind it. ,,, Revelation then is the act of revealing or disclosing something that has not been known or seen before ,,.”

However, there is none of the passion, the excitement, the wonder that accompanies ‘revelation’ in that definition. I’ve said often that revelation is very, very personal. It may be an entirely new understanding, it may be a new layer, depth of understanding but it is always confirmed by scripture. When I say it’s personal I mean that it isn’t ‘new’ in the sense of never before known. Sometimes something we discover that is new, someone else discovered long ago. That’s not the point. The point is You. You’ve made a discovery or an expansion on something you knew before.

Providing an example of what I have been saying… Motive, Motivation. I’ve written on this subject many times not always overtly talking about our motives. But in my belief that we continually learn new things, I believe we also have layers that lead us into further learning. Example:

‘Fruitful’ has always been on my radar – a highly prized goal. But… Had you ever considered that we are promised, yes Promised, that we would be fruitful? Part of our Fruitful comes from John 15:1-11, but especially verses 4-5:

“Remain in Me, and I [will remain] in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself without remaining in the vine, neither can you [bear fruit, producing evidence of your faith] unless you remain in Me. I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for [otherwise] apart from Me [that is, cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing. “

Do you see our part? We are to remain in Him – it is the only requirement and it is the single thing we choose to do.

I could go on, but the point is made if you look at the entirety of my writing. I have written on Fruit, Fruitful, Meaningful, etc. many times. But in each writing is a new understanding, a new application so in the essential and eternal thing, the things of the spirit… we never stop discovering. And, for me, the ‘fun’ is when a seemingly random thought leads to further revelation.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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