What’s TRUE… and what MATTERS!

Starting with the bottom line… True always matters! But never assume that true’ and ‘matters’ are necessarily synonymous and/or interchangeable. Sometimes our decisions have to be either one or the other (this is a question, not a statement)? So, what’s important to you – that whatever you say or do is true… or that it matters? Obviously knowing your definitions, descriptions, and applications does refine the words. Though, I would argue that if it’s true it always matters but what’s critical is that if it matters is it true? Does this sound like splitting hairs or only a word game? It shouldn’t, it is far more important.

Both words relate to fruitfulness and many times both words are used in the same context and/or interchangeable. And, there are a couple of critical understandings and mindsets that accompany this. What’s True and what Matters is that you are important – your integrity, your character. I believe we all are important in the Father’s eyes. He made us, He crafted us to be our unique selves bringing all that we are each day. It’s never a question of if this matters – it does. But we have to act on this. Not arrogantly or with bravado, nor with a hidden agenda, but humbly knowing that the person you are speaking to also matters.

Webster says [There are other explanations and definitions given for both words as well, I provided what I considered to be the nuggets.]
“in accordance with fact or reality; being in accordance with the actual state of affairs”
“to be of importance; the events or circumstances of a particular situation”

Therefore, in society, we see that true is without question – it is irrefutable, an ‘is’. However, with anything secular – seemingly always open to change and a different definition. One consideration in it’s definition is a solace that it isn’t arguable and is sure. Truth is truth! It doesn’t change… or does it? We are creatures that don’t like to be told… even when it’s for our own benefit. The only question(s), and they are HUGE, are what can be classified as True.!? Quite honestly, we all need an authority that is not going to vary, doesn’t change and the only unchangeable is God and His Word. The phrase, ‘subject to change’ applies to nearly everything except God.

As for ‘Matters’, the definition doesn’t provide us with much of a foundation or understanding, except that it is of importance. Somehow, ‘matters’ takes on a personal focus – what matters according to…

“When all has been heard, the end of the matter is: fear God [worship Him with awe-filled reverence, knowing that He is almighty God] and keep His commandments, for this applies to every person.” [Ecclesiastes 12:13]

“But now the righteousness of God has been clearly revealed [independently and completely] apart from the Law, though it is [actually] confirmed by the Law and the [words and writings of the] Prophets. This righteousness of God comes through faith in Jesus Christ for all those [Jew or Gentile] who believe [and trust in Him and acknowledge Him as God’s Son]. There is no distinction, [Romans 3:21-22]

Simply… True and Matters ARE true and do matter. There are other verses I could have shared, but these seem to focus on what matters… or what should. I believe that ‘matters’ always has a context related to spiritual understanding, like righteousness or faith or …

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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