Why… oh, WHY?

Have you ever felt that you were in the middle of ‘something’… maybe an important decision, a ‘move;, a transition? It feels kind of strange but not necessarily fearsome… just a bit of discombobulate-ism. There’s a sense of movement away from the familiar and into an unknown. For those who hate change, the cry of ‘why… oh why’ must rise into this realization, though intellectually you can know that the only constant IS change. And, especially in the beginning stages, who’s in charge? Plus, not all change is ‘good’ or even necessary. Yet… without change, can there be growth?

Personally I’m not sure I would be as proactive in these situations if it weren’t for the fact that I’m saved and I know that my Lord is with me through every situation including the unfamiliar and/or change but there’s always the transition stage. I also know that when it’s the Lord then what I’m moving toward is better than where I am now – I am becoming Who am I am supposed to be and what I should be doing. However, no one said it would be easy. Our attitude is critical in these times and Isaiah gives us a mindset:

“For you will go out [from exile] with joy And be led forth [by the Lord Himself] with peace;
The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” [Isaiah 55:12]

This has become one of my supports during these stressful situations. We all are in a kind of exile when we aren’t focused on being and doing who we are, even in the unfamiliar times and places. Perhaps we feel we have been in a desert but it’s familiar… and what we know. Is that the point? Do we long for the familiar even if it isn’t comfortable nor in our best interest? Surely we don’t trust the Lord in these times?! But look at what awaits us!

For me, I’ve discovered that the closer that I cling to the Lord, the more that I abide in Him and the easier and quicker He can help me through whatever I’m facing. What may seem difficult may end up being the answer to our ‘why… oh, why’. Is the problem that we too, like the Israelites who were being led by Moses out of slavery and into the Lord’s promised land, moan and whine? And what does this get us? When the Lord has shown Himself faithful to/for us over and over and over… why do we act so unappreciative?

Why… oh why should never be our cry. We should never doubt the One who has saved us, protects and has protected us, and provides and has provided for us regardless of our circumstances. The Lord has told us He will be our source, our defender, and that He would never leave us. This should be the mindset when why… oh why tries to have us act in fear. We ARE more than conquerors! We can do all things through Christ!

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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