You do appreciate that if you allow Him, the Lord WILL use you in His service… daily. It may not be dramatic nor ‘eventful’ according to your definitions, but I have discovered that opportunities are all around us. Scripture does teach us to do what’s at hand (read Exodus 4:2 to see what the Lord did for Moses). Please realize that He is not waiting for us to attain some undefined level of ‘spiritual maturity’ for us to be of any value to Him. He uses us just as we are… right where we are. Isn’t that how you were saved: right where you were and who you were. But that ‘were’ isn’t who you are Now because the Lord is with you and wants you to become the best you, you can be even more than you do.

The absolutely wonderful discovery IS that we have a partner, every moment of our lives, who is with us to help us on our path to be the best person we can be. He WANTS to use us here and now to touch the lives in our world. And this isn’t for some time in the distant future when you are ‘good enough’ (undefined). If you say that you aren’t ready, or you don’t know enough (?), or you aren’t prepared, or any other reason you would care to use . Not true.

Some of the reasons we are use-able:

First, the Lord BEVER calls us to something we can’t do. Remember, the
other person you are talking with is valuable to Him too so if you aren’t
His representative, His hand here and now… you will never be placed in
that position in the first place.

Second, He is Jehovah Jireh our provider. Everything we need to touch
another’s life with the truth is there as we open our minds, hearts, and
mouth. All we do is to share the One who saved us and what He continues
to do in our lives. We testify. We tell our story. And when we do we’ve done
precisely what we are intended to do and are use-able.

Third, we are told to study. [2 Timothy 2:15] We don’t know it all, we are
a work n progress. Actually we are on an absolutely incredible journey of
discovery. We will never stop learning and growing and sharing. And we
have a manual – a Bible, God’s Word. It will help us immeasurably on our

Fourth, we have a family to turn to who are in fellowship with us. They,
like us, are faced with challenges, opportunities, desert times, mountain
high times, temptations… and remember, there is our enemy who
constantly is trying to seduce or tempt us. Never judge another’s pains
or triumphs against your own. Our church family can be invaluable to
and for us just like you can be for them. You don’t need to greet them
with a constant pain or a bravado – be who you are.

Those are only 4 of the reasons and ‘tools’ you have. And, this is but a beginning discussion on your now use-ability. I would recommend that when you start your day begin by putting on your armor [Ephesians 6:11-18], next ask the Holy Spirit to give you eyes to see and a heart that responds. Then go forth realizing you are never alone [Hebrews 13:5], and you are able and equipped to do what the Lord is asking of you. You are use-able.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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