
Have you ever longed for something so intently that it seemed to pour out of every pour in your body? The only problem was you couldn’t identify what you were longing for… Has this every described how you feel/felt? I have. Please… never put down those feelings when you experience them. They will be heard and if nothing else, you can control the volume and scope of their expression.

Before I was saved, when I was a churched person though, I felt those longings, many times. Did not know what it was and am sure I wouldn’t have known where to look. Very frustrating, but even more painful. You try to push on, to push down, to push through but are only marginally successful. What DO you do? In my case, I did try and discover if there was anything in my view (there wasn’t) to resolve these feelings and I even tried a few to see if the feeling would subside – and no, it wasn’t sex, booze, or drugs. Primarily it was activities, doing things with others because I somehow felt people were involved in this nameless and aimless quest. I was partially right and totally wrong.

It wasn’t fame, or fortune, or even the esteem of others. It wasn’t accolades or accomplishments – all of that was ‘nice’ but not the answer. Personally, I kinda gave up and just endured the feelings and tried desperately to not let them have a voice or infect what I was doing. Marginally successful. Don’t misunderstand, longing isn’t a bad thing. but without a focus, an understanding – without knowing what it is you are seeking let alone where – there’s little you can do. The point is that nothing works, nothing eases the sense of longing. However, once you are saved the light dawns… at least it did for me.

It isn’t a ‘what’ you seek, it’s a Who. I had heard that we all are created with a little hole in us that can only be filled by God. I came to believe this through my own experience. The totally fascinating thing is the song, “Just as I am” is true. We can come with all our gifts, talents, and junk. You are asked to believe, to make Jesus your Lord. That’s the entrance, the only entrance. We have only 2 commands: to Love the Lord with all our hearts, souls, minds and our neighbors as ourselves. [Acts 4:12, Matthew 22:37-40]

Don’t expect that accepting the Lord means a free ride. There will still be down days or mistakes/sins you commit that need repenting and a host of other problems, issues, etc. When/if you have feelings of longing that seem answer-less (actually you do have The answer); and if you knew the answer… wouldn’t you pursue it until it expressed itself as your answer? Of course. So when you find yourself in these times remember the Lord is always with you. He said He’d never leave and He won’t. He is faithful when we are not. [Hebrews 13:5] And He always wants the best for us. Why? Because He loves and cares for us unconditionally – without exception, hesitation, or question when we turn to Him and accept His gift of salvation and an unparalleled future.

Longing… the lack of satisfaction and all the other attendant emotions and thoughts are not unusual for those who haven’t accepted Jesus as Lord. And the remedy is so very simple – no litmus test, no ‘cleaning up your act’, no hoops or hurdles to accomplish. It’s really quite simple – accept the free gift of salvation. But then…. hold on, you are in for an amazing, endless journey of discovery about everything!

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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