Just so you know and realize… the Lord NEVER shames us. Period. He doesn’t ‘use’ share to chastise or correct us. He knows the impact of shame and would never places this as punishment. Which leaves…. the source of shame – the devil. He does use shame and try to cripple us. He hates us so shame is a logical weapon he whips us with – if we let him.

Shame is one of the more effective weapons our enemy uses against us. He knows that we try and avoid shame. Also, it seems that there is always an element of truth to what’s ‘accused’ so denial is futile. But, other than being an emotion… what is shame and how does it exert such control over us?

This may sound lame and/or a made up thinking but a few things I feel that I know about shame are:

  1. It NEVER comes from the Father. He would never use shame to correct or challenge or ‘punish’ us. What would that accomplish – and don’t say to stop our behavior. Did that ever work?
  2. Scripture does speak to the issue of ‘shame’ – examples:
    Psalm 34:4-5
    “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.”

    Romans 10:11
    “For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.”

    Psalm 31:17
    “O Lord, let me not be put to shame, for I call upon you; let the wicked be put to shame; let them go silently to Sheol.”

These are only 3 verses out of many that discuss shame – you can easily see that the Father does not shame us… so guess where shame comes from. Micha 7:19 is one of my favorite verses on shame.

According to bibleresources.org

“Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary ¹ gives this definition: Shame – A negative emotion caused by an awareness of wrongdoing, hurt ego, or guilt. In the Bible, the feeling of shame is normally caused by public exposure of one’s guilt (Genesis 2:25; 3:10). Shame may also be caused by a hurt reputation or embarrassment, whether or not this feeling is due to sin (Psalm 25:2-3; Proverbs 19:26; Romans 1:16).” [David Alsobrook]

Actually, Mr. Alsobrook does an excellent study on shame and reinforced my belief that “… Shame always results in a loss of dignity … and results in emotional pain.” So it is very effective in handicapping and crippling us. Yes we do/say the wrong things but we can become healed. Why live with something, though it may originate with us, that incapacitates yet has a healing response? We have a loving Father that wants us whole and healthy. Besides, have we forgotten so quickly that the genesis of pain is typically guilt and we have an answer for guilt – 1 John 1:9.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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