Fruit of The Spirit

“But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” [Galatians 5:22-23]

Do we know the definitions of these words? Do we have the same definitions as other Christians? Do we express these? Do we see these fruits expressed?

AND, did you see the ‘requirement’? Fruit is the result of HIS presence within us. This is a kind of ‘evidence’ for us. Is your fruit … that which will remain? And ‘remain’ can be a negative force as well as a positive one. I probably should have phrased it – in your partnership with the Lord, is there fruit that remains? I seriously doubt that the Lord would be upset with us if we asked Him to help us be more fruitful.

However, we do need to look at definitions – Spiritual definitions of the fruit. Are we all understanding this correctly, how the Lord looks on the behaviors that emanate and demonstrate our understanding. Quick definitions, because each of these words have mountains of books written on them. Look for YOUR personal examples – how you personalize your understanding. Most important question – are you continuing to learn about and share this?

I’m not going to add to the vast number of resources and give you my level of understanding and appreciation about each of the fruits that compose The Fruit. Personally, I’m still studying and growing and discovering how the fruit is displayed in my life. However, I do challenger you though to not just use the words but to do a deep dive to discover your understanding and grow in how you share fruit. And, to discover how the fruit works together such as peace and patience or love and faithfulness or the role of self-control. Yes, it will take a lifetime to grow in the fruit but our point is that we (through the Holy Spirit) continue to see how our behavior produces the fruit and the affect it has.

In my life I feel that I need to have the Fruit as part of my foundation and especially my mindset of how I live and react in my world and the other inhabitants that occupy my world. I may not impact The World, but I can be an active participant in mine and share all I know as a counterpoint for someone else. As a final ‘challenge’ why do you think scripture uses the single word, Fruit, to describe the 9 fruit?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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