I’m a huge fan of forgiveness. I do not have a problem seeking it when I know I’m wrong. Why? A number of reasons… I don’t need to carry the baggage of my (unrepented) poor behavior or sin. I still have enough ‘junk’ in me (though God’s not done with me yet) that adding to the things I’m dealing with makes absolutely no sense. I’m also a huge fan of relationships, and value this highly. AND forgiveness is also a two-way concept – I must forgive others too! I need to do so whether or not they ask for my forgiveness. However, the prime reason is that since I need forgiveness myself, the Word tells me in Matthew 6:14-15

“In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can’t get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God’s part.” MSG

“For if you forgive others their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins], your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others [nurturing your hurt and anger with the result that it interferes with your relationship with God], then your Father will not forgive your trespasses.” AMP

No misunderstanding this. Do note though that the Father is not discarding us, we simply are putting ourselves apart from what He does – forgive.

70 x 7 – familiar with the phrase? This was the answer by Jesus when asked by Peter how many times should they forgive someone. When you put that phrase into mathematical terms that would mean 490 times you would have to forgive another person, even when it was for the same offense. When applied to yourself that’s rather comforting… when applied to others, maybe not.

Do you carry around a notebook and make hashmarks against someone who offends you? Waste of time and effort. Are you the kind that complains (typically to anyone who is listening) that you ‘forgave that person for their offense before and they continue to behave that way’. This creates you as this wonderful, forgiving person who should be complimented. Really… do you ever repeat your sins? Do you find yourself coming to the Lord many times for things you repeat?

When Jesus was teaching about forgiveness (Matthew 18:20) – I believe that it’s our attitudes that he was targeting. I really don’t think He was giving us specific numbers. He was telling us we should always live a forgiving life – forgiveness is a lifestyle! So do you know your attitude… and why? Standing with arms crossed or a pained and suffering expression on your face is just so much postering. It fools no one. Be a forgiving and forgiven person, the blessings are incredible.

Ohh… and by the way, include forgiving yourself in this. Most people are their own worse enemy. There are positive aspects to this but too often we also live in the past of our mistakes/sins. You did what you did/said, you can’t snatch that back but you can seek forgiveness and leave it in the past. Live in 1 John 1:9

“If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just [true to His own nature and promises], and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness [our wrongdoing, everything not in conformity with His will and purpose].” AMP

Remember He knows we aren’t perfect, that we are being perfected. He understands our frailty [Hebrews 4;15] and always, always is there to reestablish relationship. To me, relationship with the triune God always trumps unforgiveness.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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