The Path to Relationship

For me, relationship is incredibly important. And when it’s applied to the Lord – critical doesn’t even come close to describing my definition. However, let me set up the dilemma.

“For we all have become like one who is [ceremonially] unclean [like a leper], And all our deeds of righteousness are like filthy rags;” [Isaiah 64:6a. AMP]

Not a particularly strong position to initiate or retain a relationship. Now add:

“… For what partnership can righteousness have with lawlessness? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” [2 Corinthians 6:14b, AMP]

Granted the Corinthian verse is related to our relationships with unbelievers but I don’t think it’s a long stretch to apply it to our relationship with the Lord. So the dilemma is clear and how do we bridge the chasm between the Lord and ourselves? It isn’t something we can earn nor purchase. In terms of ‘my’ resolution/understanding concerning this dilemma, you may think me presumptuous or fanciful. Possibly… but no. You may not agree. OK… but show me my error.

Sharing my thinking.

  1. You have to believe in the Creator God and that it is He who created us.
  2. His creation sinned greatly and broke the relationship – and we inherited this
    state. Honestly… do you actually believe you would have acted differently than Adam and Eve?!! Of course not.3, #2 was no surprise to our omni God. So He prepared ahead of time to bring us back into relationship.
  3. I think the first example is Abram. When you look at Abram and all of the things he did you probably can see some of your own actions and/or thoughts. He as well as the other examples in the Old Testament (they are repeated in Hebrews as examples of people who believed God without seeing the results of their faith). They chose to believe God and HE accounted their faith as righteousness – the best example is Romans 4:1-3.
  4. The best description of our righteousness is in Isaiah 64-6 – dirty rags. We can’t buy righteousness, we can earn it. Remembering too that we are admonished not to be in relationship with unrighteousness! So… if we aren’t supposed to, would the Father be able to? Answer is found in 2 Corinthians 5:21

    “He made Christ who knew no sin to [judicially] be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we would become the righteousness of God [that is, we would be made acceptable to Him and placed in a right relationship with Him by His gracious lovingkindness].”

Our faith in Jesus as our Lord is our path to relationship because it is faith in Him that the Father accords us righteousness. I believe that one of the gifts Jesus brought when He came was the gift of righteousness and the path to attain it.

Will we be able to sustain this? Probably not. We all do and say things we wished we hadn’t, even Paul did. BUT we also have 1 John 1:9 that tells us how to return to relationship:

“If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just [true to His own nature and promises], and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness [our wrongdoing, everything
not in conformity with His will and purpose].”

We are indeed blessed by the mercy and grace of our Triune God. It’s available for all who make Jesus their Lord.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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