Preference: By Design or Default

Let me ask you a question… do you want to hear the Lord’s voice? If your answer is, ‘of course’. then – why? How important is it to you that you do? What are you willing to do in order to put yourself in the position to hear? And if you aren’t hearing His voice… why? Do you think that He’s stop talking? And if you are a believer, is there ‘something’ stopping you from hearing? Basically, how important is it to and for you to hear the Lord’s voice… and do you know how you hear?

Recently I listened to a podcast by Pastor Robert Morris who was teaching from his book, “Frequency”. First, I highly value Pastor Robert’s teaching – I’m not certain that he’s ever made a statement that he doesn’t immediate indicate the scripture that confirms his words. Second, everything I say from this point forward is based on that teaching. Honestly, this podcast has affected me more profoundly than I can express. Let me share my learning, understandings of what he was teaching. Some of what he was saying I had already put into practice before, but I think I have been ‘doing’ but without a great deal of understanding nor letting it grow.

This particular teaching was on Valuing hearing from God. Question: do we really value hearing or do we only give lip service? Do we want to know His correcting, leading, guiding, teaching? All those are components in valuing. When we value something, we make time for it. I remember years ago when I was doing a teaching somewhat related I asked people to pull out their check register (yes, this does date me). Then I told them to look at what they spend their money on because that’s what they value. [There was a lot of sputtering from the audience.]
But it’s true, isn’t it (not a question). And if you say you have ongoing monthly bills of house and car payment, heat, lights, etc. I know. I’m not pointing fingers or judging. Your register indicates that you value your home. But are you also putting your treasure in heaven? [Matthew 6: 19-21]

Point is: you can’t say you value something without acting on it in some way. You also can’t say you value something and then do precisely the opposite. Don’t be like Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11. They lied and died. If they had said that they were retaining some of the funds rather than lying, I suspect they wouldn’t have been struck dead. The Lord might have been displeased… Do we do this though? Say we value something and then do absolutely nothing to confirm this? It really would be far better to be honest. Your preferences, your desires are what you put everything you have toward attaining, accomplishing. No argument. No blame. But don’t say you value something and not do anything about it/them.

Soooo… if your preference is, if you place value in hearing from the Lord, you will do those things that put you in a position where you are in relationship. The biggest obstacle, in my thinking, is time. You have to spend time with the Lord in order to hear from Him. How can you possibly build a relationship if you never spend sufficient time? If your schedule is so full, if your plate of to do’s is overflowing… eliminate what you can and devote that time to spending with the Lord. If this means getting up 30 minutes earlier in the morning, then that’s what you do. We make time for those things that are important

All that I have said is prep for hearing. The steps that Pastor Morris sets out are simple and doable. But they require our valuing and intentionally ‘making time’. It always is our choice. The benefits are staggering but it always is our decision to act. So take a moment and be honest with yourself – do you value and are you willing? If what I’ve written makes you uncomfortable or even angry… why? I’m not accusing, I’m asking questions. Is this a case of conviction raising its head? I am ALSO speaking to myself.

“Therefore do not worry or be anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted), saying, ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to wear?’ For the [pagan] Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; [but do not worry,] for your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.” [Matthew 6:31-34. AMP]

I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread.” [Psalm 37:25, ESV]

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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