Even More MORE Miscellaneous Thoughts on PRAYER, Part 4

When you hear the words… Let us Pray. What’s the first thing you do? Think about it… I’ll bet any amount that you close your eyes and bow your head. Why? What is the reason, purpose for this? Does this immediately indicate reverence? Respect? Decorum? And are those the words you would use to define ‘praying’? Does body position determine the depth, breadth, height, of what you are doing? And if so… why? Remember it’s the heart that the Lord looks on (1 Samuel 16:7). Should I assume that body position determines heart? Of course not.

Not to be contrary but what immediately strikes me is what kind of relationship are you developing with the God of the Universe? [Do remember that He is also a loving and caring Father.] What kind of relationship do you want? And how does your relationship determine/affect how you pray? I really believe that we don’t understand or appreciate what prayer is and who we are as pray-ers. Yes, we ‘do’ pray but do we consider praying as one-dimensional?

Firstly… prayer is not an occasional act. It’s a lifestyle that you create, develop as you grow. But growing as a person of prayer also is ongoing. Remember my bias – when it comes to spiritual issues, nothing is ever one and done – we constantly are growing, improving, increasing our understanding, etc. There always seems to be another layer, another plateau – and I find that intriguing and exciting. So… what is prayer to you? Why would you have your prayer antenna up in case you could touch another’s life? Well… that’s kinda the reason – so we are alert and aware to touching another person both directly (their being involved) and intercessory.

I would argue that prayer is our form of communicating with our triune God. And that speaks to the kind of relationship we have with Them. Consider what biblestudymedia.com says:

“What is the role of prayer in your life, and what does God want it to be? Prayer is so much more than a blessing before meals or even the Lord’s Prayer at church on Sundays (though both are good). Prayer is an ongoing dialogue with your heavenly Father. It is about speaking honestly with the Lord and then listening to him. Prayer is about bringing your authentic self before the King of kings who is also your “Abba, Father” and then allowing God’s Spirit to shape your heart, mind, and spirit. Prayer is vital to our relationship with the Lord and fulfilling our God-given callings in this world. The Lord would have us all learn from Paul’s ministry. Prayer is to shape and direct everything in our lives.”

How often do we think of prayer as shaping and directing everything and anything that touches our lives? However, it really is our decision. And the alternative? You’re only going to allow the Triune God, the Creator of everything access to only parts of your life? Why? Is your autonomy that important? Are you that infallible? And yet… it will always be our decision.

Prayer is our form of communication with the Lord and develops the kind of relationship we have that we can co-create with Him. If we truly want to be the best we can be then we need a relationship that helps us become our best… it begin in prayer.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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