An aside…

The following is a kinda tease. I’ve begun writing my next book. “Becoming… ME!!!”, And I thought I’d give you a taste (though I have no idea when the book will be published – I haven’t finished writing it yet).

Those of you who are familiar with my writing know that my style/MO/approach is to ask questions – lots and lots of questions. The purpose is for you to know YOUR answers and why and where you adopted/adapted them. Yes I provide my understanding as a counterpoint for the reader’s thoughts and perspectives. But even when I was teaching, I never wanted people to accept (and/or reject) what I said simply because I was the teacher – I wanted to provide as many resources as possible so they could consider and discover the who, when, where, what, why.

When it came to the personal, was becoming me a conscious, thought out plan on my part – I seriously doubt it. I think it became more intentional when I became more attentive. (Could be giving me more credit than what’s due though.) Actually I think I became more aware when I heard me telling the Lord that I wanted to be pleasing to Him, that I wanted to become the best me I could be; and simultaneously admitting that there was no way of accomplishing this apart from Him helping me.

Now I can see that He took me at my word and continues to help me be me to grow, because some times it seems to be incredibly difficult. We all have our desert times of wandering or feeling battered. But there is always a learning during these times. [BTW – I really don’t believe we ever stop learning and growing, understanding and applying to whatever is the focus. And I also believe that this continues when we go home. Minimally there’s the 1000 year reign and we have responsibilities to fulfill. We will need to ‘study to show ourselves approved.]

Becoming me has been, and continues to be, quite the adventure. Frustrating at times though I don’t think I ever seriously considered giving up, highly amusing, sometimes head shaking, sometimes astonishing (in a good way), full of learning, empowering and enabling, painful at my own behavior, sad at being totally misunderstood… and I could go on – but the bottom line is that throughout the Lord has stayed with me, never giving up on me (though I most certainly have – momentarily). Besides… His Word says He would never leave me nor forsake me and He hasn’t. Have I walked away? Probably. But never for long nor too far away.

I am amazed at what the Lord has taught me, shown me, helped me discover. I am not the woman I was at the start of this journey… I’m also far from the end of this adventure – which doesn’t detract but rather entice me to continue. I also think that what I’ve just said is somewhat descriptive of all of us when we undertake the belief in and actions to grow, to become of value to the One who has, and continues, to give us a life of abundance, of fruitfulness. If you haven’t begun your journey with the Lord. Do. He’s standing there waiting for you to open your door to Him.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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