Inner Healing


I think we all need inner healing – some more than others. We may not be aware of this and maybe the effects of the wound(s) are under some control but they still exist. And yes, they can be real or an unintended offense we have taken incorrectly… but exist they do. Since we live in a fallen world our experiences do include these kinds of pain – deliberately or unintentionally inflicted. Many times, these feelings get stuffed down and seem non-existent, but they are far-reaching unless dealt with. However, if these wounds are multiplied many times over (especially in our younger years) they can become part of our expression of who we are.I’ve recently discovered that those whose wounds are obvious because the acts against them are repeated, are often told to ‘grow up’ or dismissed in some way which only adds to the feelings of insecurity, defensiveness, or repetition of the acts by the inflictor on oneself toward others. But affect relationships with others… oh, yes. Part of the difficulty is these feelings may have been shoved down so far that the person doesn’t even realize. And that dull ache never goes away completely.
I don’t think I realized just how many walking wounded there are! A few generations ago if this defined you, you would be told to ‘get a grip’, or ‘that was then, don’t think about it’, or… give it to Jesus. Now while the last suggestion IS the right one, to one really explains how one goes about giving it to Jesus. True that He will take this burden, He will heal our hearts and minds, He knows what we’re feeling. I sometimes think that it is this last phrase that stops us. It’s difficult to get one’s head around that Jesus knows and understands us, each of us. And this is where our faith has to take the lead.
   “Inasmuch then as we [believers] have a great High Priest who has [already    ascended and] passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold    fast our confession [of faith and cling tenaciously to our absolute trust in Him    as Savior]. For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize and    understand our weaknesses and temptations, but One who has been tempted    [knowing exactly how it feels to be human] in every respect as we are, yet    without [committing any] sin. Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the    throne of grace [that is, the throne of God’s gracious favor] with confidence    and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His    amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at    the right moment].” [Hebrews 4:14-16. AMP]
Did you realize you can come to Jesus with your tears… or with your bravado and He won’t reject you? Seriously. Do you realize? It’s You He loves, You He cares for, You He wants to be in relationship with… You. And when you experienced those shame and/or pain times, He was there – you just didn’t know. More important, do you realize He can and He will heal those hurts, those memories and help you into the abundant life He has prepared for YOU. It’s true.
But… (there seems to always be a ‘but’) but you need to lay all that at Jesus’ feet and freely give it to Him so that He can heal you. Honestly, counselors, good friends can help a great deal but it’s only when you rid yourself completely, totally, finally of those crippling memories and self defeating actions and emotionsby giving them to Jesus that healing can occur. But HOW do you do this? I believe it is an incredibly personal act. You have to want to be healed, to give away part of what’s defined you for decades. Probably you have to ask Jesus to help you give it to Him. Perhaps even with tears in your eyes, you can use the following as a guide and say something like this to the Lord… or develop your own prayer. 
   I give you my tears, my feelings, my inability to be whole… I need You and   Your healing in my life. Your Word in Hebrews 4 tells me I can come boldly to   the throne to seek Your help, believing that You do reward. I am so weary of    this pain and maybe I don’t understand it’s origin, but I know it haunts my life.   Help me Lord. And help me too not to try and wrestle it out of Your hands later,   but to leave it at the cross. Holy Spirit, I need Your presence in my life to help   me to discover me anew and to become the person You’ve always seen. Thank   You for healing me and making me whole. I accept this new life you are giving   me and give You all the praise and honor. I accept Your Peace.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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