If you think this is going to be another discussion on relationship… you’re right! Then again, I’m not certain that we ever stop learning about relationship(s) because they are always growing…… or if not, then they are atrophying and do you really desire a relationship with the Lord that’s atrophying???!!!

Do you know how you see, define, understand the word – relationship? If you don’t, you need to start there. But mostly, you need to read scripture to understand how the Lord defines the word. Actually, it can be summed up in the word, ‘friend’. Now, look at how you demonstrate ‘friend’. Is it only surface? Is it basically ‘social’? Neither work for me. Those words define ‘acquaintance’, not ‘friend’. Maybe that’s why I’ve always had a lot of acquaintances but very few friends. Then again… I may define the words differently than others.

Do you ever ask yourself – what do I expect from this relationship? What do I want from it? What am I willing to do/be for it? And what does the other person expect, want, will do? Those are really important questions. Want and Expect have 2 different definitions, and you really can’t use them interchangeably. Underscoring all this is trust. Do I trust the other person… or, how much can I trust the other person? Have I seen behavior that supports what I think I know? Do all of this consciously? Probably not. But it does form the foundation for relationship when you know those answers at least intuitively. Without this knowledge, you may miss what you seek… as well as which you are willing to do. Equally important verging on critical is the other person’s definitions. A kind of … one person’s friend may be another person’s acquaintance.

I titled this discussion, ‘The Lord and me’. This is the focus for this discussion. What kind of relationship do YOU want with the Lord. A ‘when it’s convenient for me’ basis? Don’t really think that works. Remember – He is omni, so He knows – and precisely – our what/where/when/with whom at the moment. Plus, He’s never surprised at what we do/say. Lastly (though there are other questions that could be asked), have you invited the Lord into every area, aspect of your life? He won’t tread where He isn’t invited… but He will know. Actually… in those areas I think he knocks on our door. How do we respond?

Let me share my relationship with the Lord, and how I view it. First, it is constantly growing, expanding. I want my relationship to be completely, absolutely, and totally – in every minute (implies close and searching attention to the smallest details) component and I have asked that if I am withholding, to let me know. It’s a relationship in which He is teaching and I get to bring to Him the discoveries that He is helping me to make. It also includes… walking in the woods, listening to music, talking, being comfortable in companionable silence – more of a nano second by nano second reality. Am I always attentive to this? Hardly. But I do have the mindset and attempt to follow it.

Being somewhat rabbit trail oriented, am I in fact doing this? Yes and no. I do try but I don’t strive. It always is there, exists so I can always go and be there in the relationship. It is so peaceful. However, this kind of relationship may not be the kind you seek. Know what you want! Talk with the Lord and see if what you are seeking is how He sees your relationship with Him. Somehow I think that a relationship is built by both parties.

Seeking a relationship with the Lord is not something to avoid, something that is against His will. Yes, we are to fear and honor God but fear is awe, worship not being afraid. God IS as awesome as our eyes see, our ears hear, and our hearts believe and understand. The wonder and joy is that we can be in relationship.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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