Still More Miscellaneous Thoughts on PRAYER, Part 7

I’m preparing to host a rather large ‘prayer event’ encompassing people who will be joining from various areas. I’m a detail type, no apologies, so I’ve been focusing on the technical details to make certain that those who wish to attend will be able to access the event. The other part is to be certain that those who will be leading have their information far enough in advance to be able to develop and lead the various sections of prayer time. Everything is ready… or is it? Not looking at the things I’ve attended to, I’ve done everything I know how to make certain there are no glitches down to the minute of details. That’s not my concern.

What about the hearts and minds of those of us leading prayer… that i have no ‘control’ over, nor should I. But I wonder if we are doing what the Lord would be pleased with. I know we’re following the model He gave in the Lord’s Prayer. But this too is more of a ‘technical’, not heart issue. As usual are we coming to the Lord after all is in place and asking Him to bless it rather than taking the time in the beginning to come to Him and say that this is what we want to do for Him and yes for our needs and wants, but that we need and want His help to make the ‘event’ His?

Troubling. Is this how we approach prayer? We see the issue, problem, as well as opportunity and in our ‘fixit’ mindset we set about doing precisely that rather than coming to the Lord and asking what and how He would have us do, how He would want us to be involved? ‘Fixit’ types are kin to ‘detail’ types and sometimes they are one and the same. Not a criticism but we who fit either/both of these categories need to stop before we start to get our focus. The Lord assures us that where 2 or 3 are gathered… He’s there. Matthew 18:20, Message

“When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.”

What might occur if we came prior to the start of the planning rather than after? The verses that give me pause are found in John 15:4-11. Do you appreciate what it says? This is the Amplified, but read these verses in a number of versions to catch the fullness of what’s said. It starts with

“Remain in Me, and I [will remain] in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself without remaining in the vine, neither can you [bear fruit, producing evidence of your faith] unless you remain in Me.”

Had you ever considered that when you go to the Lord FIRST you are evidencing your faith? Now apply that thinking to all the things you do. Do you demonstrate your faith, your trust when you start with the Lord instead of presenting a done deal to Him? Presenting what we’ve developed may be excellent, on point… but is it what the Lord wants? Does give pause, doesn’t it. (not a question)

This could easily end up being a very, very long discussion. Actually, this is more like an introduction… but it is food for thought. I’m not pointing fingers and remember that we can only walk in the light we have. But… But, if this is more than an idle thought or an interesting discussion it can change our thinking as well as our mindset and thus our behavior… it can become a new ‘starting’ point. It can become far more than we think.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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