A series of miscellaneous thoughts and one-liners

What follows is a gathering of many one sentence ideas, thoughts that have yet to be developed into a complete discussion. At present, they are like one liners or paragraphs. But the underlying thought may be fascinating. 

*Love is more than just the absence of the opposite.

*Sometimes ‘can’t’ is spelled –  ‘w o n’ t’. 

*What do you hear? The definition of ‘You hear’ has to include our definitions, how we listen, how we respond, the messenger, (and our relationship with that person – remember God used a donkey in one case and even an ‘enemy’ can bring a word of understanding… albeit, unaware), as well as the message..

*Weakness is not Wickedness  Don’t mix or merge these 2. They aren’t the same though 1 can grow into the other,

*Do you know what our contribution to being righteous is? Our faith. As simple as that. We can’t ear nor purchase righteousness. Isaiah tells us that our righteousness is as dirty rags. BUT we also have 2 Corinthians 5: 21 which tells us:   “He made Christ who knew no sin to [judicially] be sin on our behalf, so that inHim we would become the righteousness of God [that is, we would be   made acceptable to Him and placed in a right relationship with Him by His   gracious lovingkindness].”Therefore, by faith we are righteous. And no, that isn’t a license to sin – we all do that quite naturally.

*Trial and ERROR:  Before you poo poo trial and error, I can attest to the fact that it is an excellent way to learn not only the ‘right’ answer but a whole lot of wrong ones. That’s not necessarily all bad. 

*I would argue that one of our ‘components’ is communication. We need, as in NEED, to talk and listen to others. Communication is never an afterthought. And the most significant ‘other’ is the Father – this is called Prayer. The forms and methods vary drastically – never an issue and definitely not the point. The kicker is that communication is based in relationship, so this is where we begin … what’s your relationship with the God and Creator of the Universe?!!

*Thanksgiving is not a day. It is a mindset, a frame of reference that we demonstrate not just use the words.

[Part 2 later]

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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