“There’s a crocodile coming for us (you, me)…

but there’s more to the story.” Gosh I wish I had said that. What a great line!. To give you a context, the line is a combination from a little 3 year old girl and my friend, Cary, based on Peter Pan. However we can provide a spiritual connection.

“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” [John 10:10]

The ‘crocodile’ is the devil. The ‘more to the story’ is what the Lord brings as contrast – have and enjoy life… in abundance…; and He doesn’t say – eventually. Seems like a simple decision? It isn’t. For some reason our ‘I can do it myself’ too often gets in the way. So does our hesitancy to ‘give’ control of ourselves. The problem is that people don’t always realize/understand that there is ALWAYS a decision. Plus, with choosing the Lord there is freedom. provision, fellowship… and I could go on. The crocodile only maims.

We either come to Jesus, accepting Him as our Lord, acknowledging all He did and continues to do and become grafted into His family, becoming a joint heir with Him……. or we serve the devil. We may not realize we are choosing to follow the devil’s camp – but we are. If you cry out with a … ‘but I’m a good person! Just look at who I am.’ According to whose standard? What do you do with the baggage that you carry because of your previous mistakes, sins? Do you ever feel free? Does your spirit ever rest? Are you whole?

And let’s look at your ‘freedom’ apart from the Triune God… do you have peace in your life? Are your relationships full and joyful? Do you have meaning and purpose in your life? All these questions are really just the tip of the iceberg, I’m not asking the tough questions. Sometimes our ‘problems’ are what we don’t know – questions can highlight this.

Back to decision: what stops You from becoming all you can be? Why accept less? Knowing you HAVE to make a choice… why would you choose the crocodile?

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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