Wah… Wah… Wah…

Do you have wah, wah, wah times? There sometimes are ‘legitimate’ reasons for this and… but most of the time – not. The biggest mistake I’ve found (at least for myself) is to ignore this. Ignoring rarely makes a wah time leave. If it isn’t attended to it will make itself known, typically to your own embarrassment.

I’ve probably written on this ‘state’ before but guess where I am right now. So… I decided to write about it. I am not a great person to be around when in this state… I would avoid me! Just a word to the wise – wide berth, wide berth. The real problem that it typically is triggered by something unrelated and totally trivial, But that doesn’t make any difference. I have learned that when I am in such a place that I should:

  1. steer clear of unsuspecting people (it is both embarrassing and frustrating to have to apologize – explanations rarely are understood – others look at you like a deer in headlights,
  2. give some time for the pity party, to let it express it self, and
  3. get it together.

Is there a scripture to turn to. Isn’t there always? Of course. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 jumps to mind as well as Philippians 4: 6-7. Galatians 6:9 and those begins the number of verses that talk about what we should be doing and thinking and praying about. But there are also the ‘who’ you are’s: Romans 8: 31-39, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, John 16:33, John 15: 4-11 and again, this only begins the litany of who we are as a result of making Jesus our Lord. Nowhere is it even suggested that we should wallow… basically in self-pity. So unattractive.

If you keep this post and/or write down the scriptures, and read them when you’re in a similar mood – trust me, you realllly will feel embarrassed and more than just a little silly. The reason(s) we slip or fall or grouse or whatever causes us to be in this state are multitudinous. Sometimes we forget to duck. But since this isn’t my first encounter with this mess… I also know, not just believe or hope or think – KNOW that though the Lord may allow a moment or 2 for this counter productive, self-serving, crippling behavior; there is no way He will leave us there. He is always available when we turn to Him.

Wallowing seems to be a thing that happens. But we need not remain there. So, check to see where your armor is and if not on, put it on. Discover if you bought into a lie or just succumbed. Remind yourself as well as the deceiver that ‘Greater is He who is in you, than He who is in the world.’ (1 John 4L4) ‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper.’ (Isaiah 54:17) ‘You are more than a conqueror.’ (Philippians 4:13) And… STAND (Ephesians 6: 13-16).

Remember that wah, wah, wah land is not unfamiliar. You will land back there some time but never make it your residence. There is absolutely nothing that is enticing about wah land. You have a great cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1) cheering you on… YOU CAN DO IT!

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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