There’s an old gospel song called ‘Do Lord’. It’s one of those rare songs that crosses all denominational borders. It’s a toe tappin’, knee thumpin’, foot stompin’ kind of good message song. It’s probably one of the first gospel songs a new believer hears. Well.,, it use to be. Most churches have become too dignified for that kind of behavior. Their loss in my opinion.
In case you hadn’t guessed, it’s a song about going home. But reminding the Lord, in case He might have forgotten you – not to, to Do remember me. I suppose an argument could be made that’s the reminder is to offset the scripture – Matthew 7:21-23. Because this isn’t the Christian who we want to be. Do Lord is a statement that you aren’t one of those people – basically a one time verbal statement of being saved. More? And yet Do Lord isn’t stated in a demanding or whimpering sense. It’s more of a joyful testimony of who you are as a Christian.
The last line of every refrain, verse is: “Look away beyond the blue”. I suppose that an argument could be made that this refers to the scripture that tells us where our eyes should be. One of the verses says, “I’ve got a home in glory land that outshines the sun.” It’s a promise. an assurance that something even better is there. Remember Jesus’ words:
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14: 1-3 NKUV
(Many translations use the word ‘rooms’ for mansion.) This is a very comforting thought. It’s one of those ‘cling to’ verses. And Do Lord sings and reminds the Lord of His words. But there are a number of promises in these verses. Don’t be troubled – believe AND… Jesus is preparing a place for each of us, He will return and receive us, we will be with Him forever. Along with promises, it is a statement of what Jesus intends for us – fellowship, acceptance, and implicit in my mind is rest.
We’re living in a time when we need this assurance. All around us the world is slipping further and further away from the foundation of this country, the heritage. Ans like Israel of old, we are repeating that disastrous pattern. It’s the old… if you don’t learn from history you are bound to repeat it. And we’re doing this and incredibly quickly.
But this is no time to stop to rest. If this isn’t End Times, it has to be close. We need to redouble our efforts so that all in our world at least know what’s available for them. Rest will be ours but now is the time of be about our Father’s business and bring salt and light into the world, our world. Do what’s at your hand, the work the Father has planned for you to do and be. The field IS ripe unto harvest, now is the time, and you were made for such a time as this or you wouldn’t be living in the now. Away beyond the blue will be… in just a short time