Are you at or headed for a crossroad? How does that make you feel! Fearful? Slightly excited? Looking for a way out? So many other thoughts and emotions! Being at a crossroad really isn’t a new experience, however each time you’ve been at one – it rarely is the same emotional experience. Soooo are all crossroads diametrically opposed? Is there any both/and? Whether you agree with my definition or not – what I’m attempting to say is shared for understanding to occur.

Crossroads definition: First, you can’t do both. And you have to be at a ‘T’ – you have to chose one or the other. You can’t retreat and go back either.

Google says:

“A crossroad is a place of decision that will affect the course of one’s life. Jacob faced a crossroad when he wrestled with the angel at Peniel (Gen. 32:24). Jesus Christ faced a crossroad when He struggled with His own soul in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26:36-42).

Actually, not a bad statement… a place of decision that will affect the course of one’s life. There are those that contend that a crossroad runs the gauntlet from the mundane and relatively no real affect to life changing. I have great trouble accepting the definition that downplays the reality of being at a crossroad. What you decide IS life changing… it is never a ‘little thing’.

Another approach can be found in the study at: https://
This discussion suggests how to approach crossroads:

  1. Stand. [I think we’ve heard that word used before…] Stop, stand still, and listen. Psalm 46:10
  2. Look past the current moment. Look up and down that road. Research the best way to go. How could this potentially affect the future? What is most important to God? Psalm 57:2
  3. Remember those before you that have made mistakes and have crossed the
    same paths before you. Remember those that have made sound decisions and have been successful. Seek the advice of a loving Christian
  4. Glorify God in the Good Way Ask where the good way is” – All decisions should have the goal of glorifying Jesus. Pray and ask for His direction in all that you do. Seek guidance in the Bible. If it is clearly stated in the Bible that if it is forbidden by God, don’t go that way. God wants the best for you.
  5. Walk Faith takes action. God says to walk! The opposite of faith is fear. Don’t let fear paralyze you … don’t get what is called “analysis paralysis.” Don’t continue analyzing and be paralyzed. Choose the road and walk, even when the way isn’t clear. (I Thes.5:24 NLT)
    [Note: while this sounds contradictory to point 1 it isn’t. It’s the behavior after you’ve come to your decision.]
  6. Rest There is nothing more satisfying, peaceful, and completing for your soul than to be so in tune with God. When you walk His chosen path, you are glorifying Him and that’s what we are created to do (Isaiah 43:7. Exodus 33:14)

I am providing only one approach, and I’ve chosen only selected parts but you have a website to check if you are interested. The point is. Never underestimate the importance of your decisions, especially crossroad decisions. I suspect the important questions are: recognizing a crossroad time, knowing your own beliefs that underscore significant decisions.

You ultimately have to ‘decide’ your style of handling a crossroad. Never fight or ignore crossroads because even that approach affects the decision, especially the quality. I try and look at crossroad times as an opportunity to make a change. And no, what is doesn’t always need changing. But we don’t live as if we are the sole definers – what we do affects those in our world. These times can also be points of stopping and remembering and deciding what role they play in our decision.

There are so many attributes that can be attributed to crossroads (positive and negative) and accepting that regardless of what we decide to do – there will be both good and bad ‘consequences’. Example. Leaving a tried and true, a comfortable, current reality for an ‘outta the box’ approach can be scary at the same time it is exhilarating. The result(s) can be disaster or something brand new. And how you look at ‘failure’, your attitude will determine your reaction. For some it is one more option that can be discarded as not effective. For others it does verge on the side of disastrous.

Remember that life is an adventure, an opportunity to expand and grow. A crossroad may be a expression of an adventure, or an impetus to one. I would suggest that in your ‘down time’ you might want to consider how you got to a crossroad. What was it you did, and didn’t do, that you found yourself there. The reason to do this is not to avoid crossroads in the future… but it may provide you with some signs, clues as to why you are there. These too can be aides in deciding which path to take at your crossroad.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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