Communing …Possible???

Have you ever visualized yourself sitting in your favorite chair and the Lord sitting across from you and you two were just chatting. You weren’t praising, or worshiping, or seeking an answer … just talking. Maybe He was teaching or showing you something. Maybe you were acknowledging something you were contemplating and needed His assistance on. Maybe it was reflecting on the previous day. Or maybe it was looking at your ‘to do’ list and wondering (fill in the blank). The list can be endless… the visualization is ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

First of all, is it even possible you can get your head around the possibility of such a situation? How does that visualization make you feel? Are you uncomfortable with such an informal, personal, casual occurrence? (Silly question perhaps but how could you have a personal/intimate conversation without it being based in who you are – a human?)

Do you feel guilty about even having such a thought? You shouldn’t. Remember Jesus calling His disciples – friends? (John 15). But when He called them friends… isn’t that extended to us as well? Read the whole chapter because it is also addressed to us – we who came after. The End Game in all this is our perception on the word ‘relationship’ and how this applies to the Triune God.

What IS your relationship? Would you like to have this kind of relationship with the Lord or is it being too irreverent? Soooo what kind of relationship are you building? Do you come to the Lord only in crisis situations? Do you know Him apart from His acts? Do you know Him from His Words? Is it based in your experiences? Exactly What is your relationship, How do you know, and are you growing it?

I did purposely use the word ‘communing’. Know what this word means in your world of definitions? Read the following:

“To commune is to converse confidentially and sympathetically. It is represented in both Hebrew and Greek by several words literally signifying to speak (compare Luke 6:11, dialaleo; also Luke 22:4; Acts 24:26, homileo). To communicate is to impart something to another, so that it becomes common to giver and receiver.” [That definition is given by Google.]

One of the scriptural definitions is:

“To commune means to focus on God, converse, talk, often with profound intensity, intimate communication or rapport as sharing your heart and mind with God in prayer: an interchange of ideas or sentiments, derived from French “comun” meaning – common, to share.”

In we read:

“In all these communications, it is God himself that we most want to see. Communion with God is not merely learning about God but enjoying fellowship with God in the truth he reveals about himself. The apostle John, who enjoyed unusually close communion with Jesus while he was on the earth, said that he wrote his letters so that we might enjoy this fellowship: “That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3). In other words, the Bible records the words and deeds of God so that by means of these we have fellowship—that is, communion—with God.”

I could go on and site other scriptures. That’s really not the point. What, How do you define communing with God, being in relationship? What is it you would like to develop? If you desire a deep and personal relationship… this is available for us. What do you want… and what are you willing to do to help develop your personal relationship?

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?

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