Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

“For Jesus doesn’t change — yesterday, today, tomorrow, He’s always totally himself.” [Hebrews13:8. MSG]

I believe most of us are familiar with that verse. It gives us comfort to know that the Lord is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). We can count on the indisputable fact that He will complete what He said. The question is – do we adopt the same foundation. Can we be relied on? Will we do what we have committed to? Is our character, our behavior follow the principle of being the same? And that doesn’t mean not growing – it’s the essential, the important areas of our lives – our foundation that is unchangeable.

Another component is in terms of being forgiven. Once we realize we have sinned, come to the Lord and confessed, repented, and received cleansing and restoration (1 John 1:9) do we drop the specifics of the sin but learn from our sin? Or…. do we continually bring the same subject up over and over and over? And if it is the latter we do – why? Don’t we trust the Lord when He said He would remove our sin from us as far as the east is from the west (Psalms 103:1)? What stops us from accepting our forgiveness? Does this mean that we don’t accept another person’s apology when we have been hurt, lied to, etc. by them? Equally important is when we ask for forgiveness… is this not from our heart?

Can we be relied to be and do what we say? Or is our behavior one that tends to follow the last person we spoke with? Do we constantly change our minds? Which indicates building on shifty sands – actually this is called ‘wishy washy’. Would you rely on such a person to have your back? If your history thus your character is characterized by consistency, then others (and ourselves) can rely on, believe who we are and what we say. Do remember though whether you are giving assurances or one receiving them – that life is defined as changes. The issue is when it affects what we’ve said (our word) then is our action one of letting the person know that there is a change? If so, then our reputation isn’t damaged. If not……..

” For I am the Lord, I do not change [but remain faithful to My covenant with you]” (Malachi 3:6a)

The Yesterday, Today, and Forever phrase is prefaced with the statement that the Lord is the SAME, that He does not change. But never forget the context: “… but remain faithful to My covenant with you…” This is more than a promise… more than an example… more than only applicable to Jesus. It is applicable concerning our foundation. It is a standard.

And it is a solid foundation and standard we can stand on, adopt into our frame of reference (and action). Remember though that the “Same” does not mean a lack of change. Again… life is defined in change. But it is how we adopt and adapt the change into our standard. It is how we demonstrate the change within the standard. It is how we explain our why.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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