A Frivolous Post … with a point

(I think I shall blame this on my mood when I penned this.)
The following conversation you may never have experienced – I did. You can reverse the parent role, but the dialogue was always the same.

Me: Mom can I go to (fill in the blank – movie, local teen hangout, etc.)
Mom: Ask your Dad.
Me: Dad can I go to (fill in the blank – movie, local teen hangout, etc.)
Dad: Ask your Mom.

After experiencing this a number of times, I decided that I would change tactics.

Me: Mom, Dad says that I can go to (fill in the blank – movie, local teen hangout, etc.) if it’s OK with you.
Mom: Well, if it’s OK with your Dad then – yes.
Me: Dad, Mom says that I can go to (fill in the blank – movie, local teen hangout, etc.) if it’s OK with you.
Dad: well, since it’s OK with your Mom….

Again, you can reverse the initial parent role, I tried it with whoever was closest. The two factors I didn’t take into account were: 1. they talked with each other… and 2. at one time they were teens too! They let me string this out a couple of times before confronting me. I countered with that I really wasn’t lying and that I did consult both of them and that I knew from previous experience that if one of them said OK, the other one always did too! (I did warn my brother that this didn’t work.)

After a good laugh by all 3 of us we did talk about the underlying point – lying. It’s where I learned there were no ‘little white lies’, no fibs (which were construed to be a lesser form of lying) because a lie is a lie – period.

Do you excuse yourself with the ‘little white’ or ‘fib’ categories? Doesn’t work you know. And honestly, why engage in such behavior? Eventually you’re going to get caught! What does scripture say:

“… behold, you will have sinned against the Lord; and be sure that your sin will find you out.” [Numbers 32:23b]
“Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.” [Luke 12:2]
“He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, But whoever confesses and turns away from his sins will find compassion and mercy.” [Proverbs 28:13]

What you need to remember is that the Lord is always with us and is aware of what we do and say and how we ‘excuse’ it to ourselves. Does this ever work for you? As adults, do we do a ‘variation on a theme’ when it comes to this issue? The words that tend to compound the problem is when we say… ‘but that’s not what I meant’ or ‘I didn’t intend…’ Additionally you have to remember what you said to Person A so that the same understanding occurs with Person B.

My point? It’s a corollary/example to the scripture that says:

“He who is faithful in a very little thing is also faithful in much; and he who is dishonest in a very little thing is also dishonest in much.” [Luke 16:10]

No – I’m not adding to scripture, I’m applying the thought/concept to the everyday things in our life, like lying to get out of (and into) ‘something’. Think about it! If we don’t fight those small, irritation we engage in and overcome them, then what condition are we going to be in when the battle is far more important!?! Nearly as important… what do we gain by lying? Remember, we have all we need with us or in us to win these skirmishes and our new identity which provides us with the armor of God to take control and win. What is it we’re lacking??? Is it really worth it to continue the behavior?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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