Hurt and Healed: Healed

Part 2 Healed

Are you more familiar with ‘healed’ than hurt … or less? Maybe one of the questions is – when do you know you are healed? Feelings, yes but more – that knowing that goes beyond mere facts. And healed is more than the lack of pain. And where’s the location of healing: spirit, soul, body?

Where are your thoughts on those statements and questions? Do you have your answers? Walking in health, being healed – this is not something to slight. You NEED to know. First issue: knowing you are healed. It’s important to know if for no other reason then that you can be more totally involved, intentional. It can be too easy to slip into the ‘not sick but not well’ either frame of reference. Years ago they might have called it the ‘blahs’ – the not wrong, but not right. Incredibly unproductive in this state. So look at what you’ve been doing in the last 24-48 hours… accomplishments? Check your heart… peaceful? focusing outward and not inward all the time? Mind… active and creative. These all are little signs of health.

Next issue: more than the lack of pain. If you still feel pain… where’s it’s location? Body? Soul? If I were to be completely honest with myself, when I’m in ‘pain’ it’s too often in my soul, emotions to be precise. Really quite silly of me, but there you are. So what’s my ‘remedy’ when I’m in pain? First – allow myself a bit of time to moan – you gotta get the moaning out, you really can’t progress if all you do is stuff it down. After the moaning, apologize to the Lord… again. Then look at your why of moaning. If it’s legit then forgive whoever is the source, especially including yourself. Then look at what may be behind it – perhaps a spiritual attack? Do you really want to give him a ‘win’? Yes, sometimes it does mean pulling yourself up by the bootstraps. But also remember, you have the Lord with you to aid in this.

If it’s physical pain, then go to the healer.

“There the Lord issued a ruling and instruction for them and put them to the test. He said, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.” [Exodus 25b-26]

I seem to be running to Him constantly… which I attribute to the fact that I live in an aging body. But He never turns me away, He always heals – perhaps not in the same way each time but I always am healed.

I would suggest we all play a major role in being healed and living in health. But you need to decide that for yourself.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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