
Who? How? Why? These 3 questions need answering before one acts on following.

‘Why’ is the basis for our ‘who’ and ‘how’ and ‘What’ is the reason and foundation for our why. Fundamentally, we need to have meaning, purpose in the reason. The result is a willing following that has foundation. Does that mean a giving up of who we are, our goals and plans? Absolutely not. It does provide that foundation for our who, goals, plans.

Do realize, though, that there is a difference between being a follower and following, at least in my world. Without belief, trust in who or what you are following there’s little substance to being a follower. In the case of Jesus, He gave 8 invitations:

According to Jesus Invites Men into a new way of Life. Here are 7 invitations He makes to all men. (Though this site doesn’t say this, I tend toward the scripture Galatians 3:28 and whatever is said is applied to all)

“1. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest! -Matthew 11:28
2.Jesus stood and cried, saying … if any man thirst let him COME unto Me, and DRINK… –
John 7:37
3.Jesus said unto them, “COME and DINE!” -John 21:12
4.Come and See -John 1:39
5.Come and Take up your cross -Mark 10:21
6.Come away to a secluded place and rest -Mark 6:31
7.Come you blessed of my father and inherit the Kingdom -Matthew 25:34,

When Jesus calls men to Himself He says 2 words, “FOLLOW ME.” When Jesus find Peter He says follow me. “Follow me” is the first and last words Jesus physically spoke to Peter.

  1. To follow in Hebrew does not mean to walk behind me, it means to do what I do.

Rabbis had followers and they taught them how to do what they do. Followers do what that rabbis taught them, they do what they saw Jesus do. A follower was known as a disciple. In an old-world paradigm Rabbi’s and others wanted disciples for themselves, just like we want “followers” on social media.

The real translation of disciple was a disciplined learner, an active participant. This is what the followers of Jesus are known as, disciples – participants and partakers.

Throughout scripture There are many designations of the Lord’s servants
Bond-slaves of Jesus Christ
Ministers of Christ
Stewards of the mystery
Fellow workers
ALL of these titles carry the meaning of delegated responsibility. In Hebrews 3:1 we are called “partakers”

These are invitations promises that are available to everyone. But a condition is you have to be hungry. Only those who are hungry are satisfied, only those who are thirsty drink.”

A Follower? How do you Follow?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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