Hear… Open…

On your scale of priorities, where is ‘belonging’? Crucial? Important? Not really necessary? I suppose we should start with a definition first. So how would you define the word? For example: does the definition include- equality? Everyone involved is equal in standing? Everyone is equally valued? Actually, 2 different components.

When I searched the dictionary for a definition of ‘belonging’ it was: a close and intimate relationship. I’ve discussed belonging before but as I observe ‘the times’ it seems that this need has increased, perhaps Covid added to our separate-ness or maybe it is we’ve been burned by others or maybe it’s a concern about identity theft… let’s face it – our society isn’t safe! So we distance. Unless we’ve had previous experience or a close person ‘vouches’, many people are not interacting as ‘in days gone by’. And this increases the need for ‘safe’ belonging.

When I sought a scriptural definition of belonging I discovered this: ‘True belonging means being fully known and fully loved by God and one another.’ (source unidentified) Fully. Fully known, fully loved. That is the heart of belonging. I could use other adjectives such as accepted but ‘fully’ is a kind of belonging is a forever reality with the Lord. It’s a reliable, it’s real, it forever because the Father said so.

How do You belong to/with the Lord? He is more than your creator – though that’s a good start. Perhaps the questions is… do you allow yourself to belong? Do you put obstacles in your way: I’m sinful, How can the God of Creation want me, what do I need to ‘give up’/change in order to belong that I don’t want to give up? All sorts of ‘excuses’ that really are only your way to keep the Lord at arms length unless it’s a crisis situation.

“Behold, I stand at the door [of the church] and continually knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him (restore him), and he with Me.” [Revelations 3:20]

I find myself using that scripture a great deal (in a number of different applications). And did you notice that it’s not a one time knock and then leave but… continually knock. Did you also notice the one and only requirement you have (remember, this is said to the Christian… not an unbeliever)? Opening the door. Upon hearing, that’s all anyone has to do… open the door. When you do you’ll understand – you belong.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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