
Have you ever noticed how many times the word ‘Be’ is used in scripture? Often. And I got to thinking about this and I’ve come to the following observations:

‘Be’ is always stated strongly. There can be no doubt when the word is used that this is something WE do… and not later, but Now. Therefore it’s relative to the context. If we are told to ‘be’ something then obviously it is something we can do. It is our choice but it’s also for Our benefit if we follow. Personally, I think it often verges on a command. If we follow we can’t turn back and do the opposite. It’s a special word, and I would argue, used by the Lord to remind us of whose we are.

If we look at how scripture uses the word, we read:

*be not afraid (multiple times)
*be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9)
*be on your guard (1 Corinthians 16:13)
*be still (and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10)
*be merciful (Luke 6:36)

There are over 100 ‘be’ references, those 5 are only the tip of The Father’s ‘be’ statements. And look at them again – some are warning, some are commands, some for comfort, some for doing.

Be is an active word, an action as well as a mindset, attitude. Is the Lord speaking that word softly in your spirit? What is He asking of you? Remember:

He never sets you up for failure.
He never asks you to do something you can’t.
He is always with you and will make a way out if you misstep.
His favor is upon you.      
And the most important, when you don’t believe you can – if He’s telling you  then His Word always  accomplishes what He sends it forth to do. 

BE brave and courageous. Believe these words are for you.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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