I have a question… one that I’ve mulled over countless times, but still without an answer. The question: why do so many of us have difficulty asking others to stand with us in prayer about something or someone? Do we see asking for someone(s) help sound like we aren’t trusting a loving Father and we don’t ever want to seem to be doing that! Is asking sound like doubting? If you believe that then you are forgetting that Jesus took His top 3 disciples when He went to pray before His betrayal!
Perhaps the problem/issue doesn’t seem perilous enough to warrant ‘help’? And where does the Word say that your need has to be life threatening before it is ‘legitimate’ to ask? OK then maybe the problem is that you don’t know who you can trust to be discreet and who will actually stand with you? Also there is the issue of vulnerability, ours.
You do realize that reaching out places your own expression of you at a disadvantage when you need help when you have appeared to ‘have it all together’ or you are mature enough not to need others? Do you realize that when you attempt to express either of those figments of imagination that we limit ourselves but also limit a blessing on someone else who will stand with you?
An open outstretched seeking could be misconstrued. But You do realize that the person who takes hold of your hand is also vulnerable – yes!? Because when they do take your hand they are now responsible to stand with you – this is definitely a 2-edged sword. Committing to stand with another is not a rushed act because if you haven’t discovered what you are standing with them on, it may not be what you thought. Never agree lightly and always find out what the other person is seeking in their asking – not the why.
Obviously my belief lies more in the category of your personal experiences in asking for help. Because – we are told to bear one another’s burdens. I also think that we all are novices when it come to prayer. Somehow, if we’re Christians, praying comes through some form of osmosis and we automatically are prayer warriors. Not!
When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and were born again – did anyone teach you about prayer? I think the answer is nearly unanimous in being – no. Look to the Word – what does it say about prayer? And remember that the disciples came to Jesus asking Him to teach them how to pray. Did, do you? I believe prayer has 2 major ‘benefits’: relationship and learning more about that the weapons of our warfare against the devil. Do you believe, have experienced the weapon of prayer? This is a weapon against our enemy – not other people.
If prayer wasn’t important then why would the apostles ask Jesus to teach them to pray? (You did see the word ‘teach’?) Why would the Lord say:
“Take this most seriously: A yes on earth is yes in heaven; a no on earth is no in heaven. What you say to one another is eternal. I mean this. When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.”
[Matthew 18:18-20, MSG]
Where 2 or 3 are gathered and in agreement… see the power? Can you get answers when you pray alone – absolutely. But there are times when we really need the help of a brother or sister in the Lord. I would argue that ALL of us needs at least 1 prayer partner that we trust and can turn to so that we double the power of the prayer. Never forget Deuteronomy 32:30.