Start anew… again

  NEW Year! The word, ‘new’, holds such promise, such expectation. We all like our new’s. The question is…what do we do with our new’s? How do we respond? Each year on January 1st we emphasize ‘new’ by experiencing another opportunity for new through making ‘resolutions’. Do we even acknowledge this? How do we meet our ‘new’? Recognizing that each of our definitions may differ slightly, the point is many people look at January 1st as the opportunity to start again, anew… to???

  Like many of you (of a certain generation), when I was growing up and realized the significance of January 1st, I was told that it was important to develop some resolutions for improvement… like, not teasing my sibling so much (I never said never because I knew ‘never’ would never work) or to practice my piano more diligently. And how long did these good intentions last? When did they finally slip from memory and become lost? Unless you are extremely unusual, quite quickly is the truthful response.

  But, if you tried, were you resolved, purposed to (fill in the blank) and now, some days later you fell off your resolve. So? Big deal. We all fall off, the question is – do we get back up? Simply because you didn’t hold strong to your plan doesn’t mean that you have to undo whatever you have purposed. Start again. Start anew. You don’t have to wallow or give up. Recognize that you might have to start again many times before your resolve has a foundation to continue. 

  Actually I think that this should be our mindset when we are trying something new, improved, different. We need to, no not plan to fail but plan what we do when we don’t hold to our intentions. Remember – you made a plan to improve you because that’s what resolutions should be all about. Don’t give up or in when you face an obstacle, a slip. If you are able to start anew… again on January 1st, you can do this on any day. Improving and becoming who you can be should be the focus.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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