Send me!

  Can you say ‘send me’ and mean it? And do if you do say it, is it based in faith and confidence? Isaiah 6:8 was a response given to the Father’s question,
     “I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ‘Whom shall I send, And who will
     go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I! Send me.'”

  There wasn’t the question of is this me or is it the Lord. There wasn’t a question of whether ‘I’ was the best choice or the one with the greatest potential for success. There was the simple response of… Here am I. I believe that there was the implicit statement that if ‘I’ is not the best choice, then you wouldn’t be chosen. There was also the under girding belief that whatever equipping was necessary would be present at the point of need. Two statements of faith.

  What would it take for you to respond with…send me? Or do you only want a ‘comfortable’ Christianity? Not sure that ‘comfortable’ is any more appropriate than politically correct – both of those are opposite of what Christianity stands for. Have you ever considered that if you waited till all the ducks were in a row and you had everything you needed for success that this would be defined as ‘yours’ and not the opportunity for you to be a conduit for the Father’s power manifested through you?

  John 4:35 tells us that we are, “…to lift up our eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”  What about you? Can/are you able to respond with a faith declaration? Are you equally ready to go to your family as you are to the farthest reaches of the world? Are you a candidate for the Lord to ‘send you’ wherever that may mean? Or is your response more of – with reservation? ‘Send me’ is really the acceptance of a partnership with the Lord to accomplish His goals of the Great Commission – you get the opportunity to be a party to something that goes beyond the norm.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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