Siege mentality

  Is that not a great phrase, or what! Unfortunately, I can’t take credit for it… I read it on a post by Jacqueline Winspear. But the phrase is so… so, spot on. I don’t remember the context for the phrase but I do know the feelings that arise when you are in a place of feeling you are being besieged from all sides. There is no escape. And no one will take the time to listen to what you are trying to say. This ever happen to you? 

  Actually the most dangerous and insidious condition is the ‘mentality’ part. We probably will never be able to completely and consistently avoid siege times but we need to not assume the mentality part of this condition. When we experience an overwhelmed time our brains go into a lock down preservation as protection. While this is an oft appreciated defense, we can’t take up residence there for long. We have to emerge to ‘conquer’ the siege. Melodramatic. No, not really. There are times that we have to retreat in order to fight another day. But the point is to prepare for that ‘another day’. If we don’t then we simply give up and give in and that is rarely satisfying and may not be necessary.

  The point is … do you know what you do when confronted with these times. How, not just when, do you take the time to regroup and resupply that which you need to be victorious, or minimally to take a stand? The first thing you need do is to take charge of the ‘mentality’ part which means facing the feelings because if you don’t they will rise up, typically at the wrong time. It is your mind, you are to renew it, so it is your responsibility… and privilege. And yes, this is throwing the ‘ball back into your court’. But your life IS yours. What do you want and need to do?

  Have you considered that you are the determiner in this? You really are. No one can force you to face whatever is besieging you. No one can force you to develop strategies that will work as a template for what you can and will do both now and in the future. Sure you can lie down and accept the siege but are you really only an ineffective coward? Of course not. Never forget that “No weapon formed against you will prosper.” (Isaiah 54:17) And that you are, “…more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens you.” (Romans 8:37) I could add other scriptures, but these two should provide you the strength to stand. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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