… and Peter

  Two words in Mark 16:7. But such powerful words. This was spoken by the angel(s) at the tomb after the crucifixion and burial, but they give all of us hope. Peter is singled out by the angel to be told the glorious news that Jesus had overcome the last enemy – death. Remember that Peter had denied Jesus, not just once but three times. Can you even imagine how he must have felt? The declaration by Peter that Jesus said He would build His church on denied The Son of God! (Just for clarification – it was not the man Peter, but his confession of Who Jesus was that the church is built on.)

  And now, Jesus was dead. And Peter had no way of seeking forgiveness from Him. He was a doomed and lost man. Yet…  What is this report that the women are bringing to the disciples? Jesus isn’t dead?! Is it possible that what He said really IS true? And we all know the ‘rest of the story’. All that Jesus told the disciples is true. But what about Peter? 

  Peter has always been one of my favorite people because he was so very human. He was a passionate person who readily displayed this. It was he who made the first proclamation of who Jesus was. He cut off the ear of the High Priest’s servant when Jesus was arrested. He was one of the three inner circle disciples. He was willing to go back out to fish based on Jesus’ word though he didn’t believe there would be success. And those are only some of the behaviors that he displayed. But this can give us all hope.

  Peter, though making rash judgments passionately believed in Jesus even though he did deny Him. Have you ever experienced this apparently contradictory and dichotomous behavior in yourself? I have. And then I remember Paul’s words of frustration when he states that he doesn’t do what he wants to do but does those things he doesn’t want. This really describes all of us. Christians want to be good examples and faithful witnesses. But we don’t always do this. Both Peter and Paul’s behaviors show us that though we slip or fall, we can choose to get back up and become that effective ambassador for God. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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