Christian… Politically Correct

  This probably won’t be a easy read because it’s a difficult subject. Back in 2010 I wrote a blog post about the incompatibility of a alliance between two opposites – Christian and politically correct. My point then was that it is a total oxymoron – one can’t be both. I still believe this. And in looking at the church and how it is interacting with the world 4 years later, I sadly suggest that the church has tried to be ‘tolerant’ and inclusive. It doesn’t work. The principles that are the foundation of each are antithetical. Applying this particular scriptural principle, 

     “No one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and 
      love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other…”        (Matthew 6:24)  

Unarguably we live in a world that is full of compromise, relativists and fence straddlers. Attempting to straddle the fence of Christian and politically correct is not possible – why attempt to marry two diametrically different approaches to life? We have been called to a higher standard. We are to be salt and light, which rarely means ‘popular’.

  The ‘don’t rock the boat’ or those advising ‘trying to please’ mentality attempts to do and be both, which is a lost cause. Part of the dilemma rests in the foundation which each proposes to be and do in life. Politically correct really defines ‘shifting sand’. There are moments that we find that word has been redefined or modified so that what was incorrect before, suddenly isn’t (or the reverse). Those with the loudest voices tend to have the greatest determination of definition. Also, we discover that behaviors that were totally unacceptable have now the status of ‘correct’ and proper. According to who? No explanation for the shift is given but it occurred.

  Contrary to this continual shift is Christian, whcih hasn’t changed. What was foundational 2000 years ago is still foundational. ‘Correct’ behavior is still according to a standard that is easy to discover, though if we try to strike a balance with ‘political correct’ we discover this is difficult, if not impossible. Christians have a handbook to follow that is stable and unshifting. God’s principles have always been true.

  More and more we find there is a conflict in definitions, in behavior, in standards between Christian and politically correct – this is only going to intensify. Sadly, Christians are so concerned about being ‘acceptable’ that they, too often, compromise the Christian values and standards. The ‘convenient’ Christian has empowered the minority voice to make the standard for all, and most of these people do not even accept a Christian morality. Eventually everyone will have to take a stand and it will be either/or. Either you are an uncompromising politically correct adherent or you are an uncompromising Christian.  

      “… I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; 
       therefore choose life…” (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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