In Defense of Positive

  This is in defense of those who believe in and then speak and act positively. Context and description: those who have this mindset do not see life through rose colored glasses or pie in the sky, aren’t illogical, are not hypocrites, or any other negatively based description. Instead they choose to look at life and problems from a glass half full perspective and for the silver lining in those times of stress and potential defeat, because that may be the way to resolving (fill in the blank). Calling things that are, in difficult types of situations rarely gets us to development of a proactive and innovative response. Those with a positive frame of reference aren’t denying what is, they simply choose to move beyond.

  Positive types are often dismissed by others as naive or taking a too simplistic view. And what can be extremely irritating is that other’s opinions won’t sway them from how they choose to interact with the world. They have chosen a proactive way of working with their world rather than always charging windmills or blaming. But isn’t this a less stressful way, not less creative, of interacting? It really isn’t a ‘giving-up-because-you-can’t-change anything’ frame of reference but it is considering what is and looking at what is available to resolve (fill in the blank).

  I have to ask – what is wrong with this approach? What is a better way of living in the world? Looking at problems from a point of view that looks only at loss or lack, doesn’t appear to be effective. Likewise, in the resolution phase, everyone knows the issue/problem but do they also see the potential? ‘Positive’ isn’t into denial or ignoring what is but it focuses on creative, out of the box solutions. Does the opposite do the same? They can and some do but attitude during these times can be crucial.

 One must first believe in the ‘positive’ before you can consistently speak and act positively. A false bravado is easy to spot and has no foundation so without a strong belief in whatever you are doing and saying, there will be no substance, and without a foundation one typically falls flat on one’s face. Because if you don’t believe there is little chance that others will join you. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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