Today… Tomorrow

   “Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today.” (Thomas Jefferson) That comment was something of a hallmark as I was growing up. Not that I always heeded this, but it is a saying that tends to stay in your thoughts, many times unbidden. Actually it is sound advice because this focuses you/I on now, today rather than procrastinating away today’s opportunity. I think we all tend to get caught up in what was and planning for tomorrow, rather than… seizing the day.

  ‘Seize the day’ (Horace) is a phrase that tends to spark a strong reaction in the speaker and listener. The  definition is that we are – “to grasp suddenly and forcibly; take or grab; to grasp with the mind, apprehend; seize an idea and develop it to the fullest extent…” I think you can easily understand the strength and purpose behind such an action. Effort and time is not wasted – or lost. For me, I like to concentrate on the last part of the definition – seize and develop an idea. 

  When you concentrate on (fill in the blank) you elevate not only what you are focused on but your time and energy in order to accomplish… You really can’t decide to concentrate – tomorrow. Or to ‘do’ – tomorrow. There are certain ‘things’ that are now, today, immediate. If the subject is truly a tomorrow issue and does not need any attention today, then let it wait. But… if you are only putting ‘it’ off because you don’t want or know how to resolve ‘it’ then avoidance won’t accomplish anything.

  Perhaps the point is to discover you own, individual way of responding to ‘not putting off’ and ‘seizing’. However, another perspective is to look at each day as a special gift from God. He is providing you with a time in which to be and do who you are destined to be. Each day is your personal invitation to become your best you and only at the end of the day, if you haven’t done all you wanted, to remember that tomorrow will come. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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