The Father’s Heart

   I’m in the waiting on the proof stage for my new volume, “Lessons from God” in my “Me and Thee” series.  This is the 5th and final volume in this series, which is probably why I spent as much time on it, though one never is completely satisfied with one’s writings. I have the additional handicap in that I am an inveterate tweaker. This volume, obviously, is not an all inclusive discussion of all of the lessons, not possible. But, I hope that it covers all the beginning steps that any new believer needs to know and every mature believer needs to reflect on. I realize that sounds a tad precious and presumptuous which is not my intent.  

   Simultaneously, I am gearing up for the next series, to be called: “The Father’s Heart”. And yes, that may be even more presumptuous. The first book in this series is called, “Think and Consider”. It is my belief that most Christians believe they are seeking His Heart but actually I think they are seeking His Hand. That is not said accusatory, it just seems to be what happens. We all are a bit too like Thomas – let me see and then I’ll believe… And what’s asked is that we believe, have faith. 

   David was special to God. He was considered to be a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14)- no mean appellation. And this was the testimony God gave about David. If you doubt or question this, read David’s words, the psalms. They truly reflect a person who loved God and sought to follow Him. Not that David didn’t make mistakes or sin, but when this happened, David was quick to admit his sin and was truly sorrowful. The more I thought about this the more I wanted to focus an entire series on how we become people seeking the Father’s heart.

   This, seeking the Father’s heart, is really a work in progress. I don’t think it will ever be completed because the Father is always teaching and available to walk with us in the cool of the morning. It would be my contention that He wants this for us more than we do, which is why He is as patience and understanding. I believe it will be a wonderful adventure to discover and explore how we really can be people who seek the Father’s Heart.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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