Before and After

  We all use scripture to confirm our point, our position. I believe that what the Lord taught me was that it is critical to read before and after the scripture verse that I ‘liked’. Sometimes I discovered ‘conditions’ to the verse and sometimes I discovered an entirely different way of thinking. The point is – always read the surrounding verses that are in context with the verse on which you are standing.
  A different but related issue is that sometimes we take a portion of a verse to ‘claim’. Same problem – we need to read in context whatever it is we need and believe. Example: Romans 8:1 – “There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus…” Many of us found great assurance in these words. I did and still do. However… the rest of the verse reads,”…who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” A condition.
  In chapter 7 Paul is teaching about the limitation of the law, that it isn’t able to save. Paul begins to talk about what is available to those who make Jesus Lord. He begins with a powerful statement when he says that there is now NO condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus but also that we need to be spiritually minded and not carnally. Then Paul teaches an even greater truth – that we have Sonship and are adopted into the Family of God. All in all, a most powerful teaching (and in only 17 verses).  
  After discussing that things working to our good, he tells us that if God be for us, who can be against us, and ends this chapter with the powerful statement that nothing will separate us from God. God can work for us, work things to our good but only when we believe and act on this. It is our knowledge and our willingness to act that can demonstrates our love, our trust.

  Most of the scriptures that we discover and use as a foundation we stand on alwaysneed to be considered in context with the surrounding scriptures. Obviously, some scriptures seem to be ‘complete’ in and of themselves. Or appear to, but still, it should be the complete thought that we focus on rather than on only a portion of the verse. I’ve discovered that when we only focus on a portion of the scripture that we don’t discover the full truth that is available for us. Before and After is as important as the main point.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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