The voice in your head…

    Whose? No, you’re not hearing things and no, you aren’t crazy. It may seem like an actual voice or it may be more like a ‘leading’, a sensing. I remember, as a new Christian, that I did wonder about the source of what I believed I was hearing. I also remember asking a person I considered ‘mature’ the question about whether the voice was the Lord’s or mine. The advice they gave was that if I was being asked to do something I really didn’t want to then it probably was the voice of the Lord leading me. ??? That made no sense.

  I believe the lesson is in… the what. What’s being said gives us the clue. The Lord taught me to listen to whatwas being said. Goodness, what a revelation! Is the voice you hear condemning – pointing out your faults and mistakes in a ‘voice’ of reprimand, criticism, or scolding? If so then if it is confessed sins, faults then it definitely isn’t the Lord. 1John 1 tells us that when we come to Him He is faithful to forgive us. We are also instructed to test the spirits. (1John 4:1)
  Is it we who continue to hold onto the sins we can’t or won’t grant forgiveness to ourselves? If so, then those condemning voices aren’t the Lord’s and it’s time to move on from that self-defeating mindset. However, never forget that our enemy also is constantly making those criticisms and will bring back to our remembrance all our mistakes. IF we listen to him.
  While the Lord doesn’t condemn us with those ‘things’ we’ve sought forgiveness for, He does correct us. “For whom the Lord loves He chastens…” (Hebrews 12:6) “If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons…” (7) And look to the result from chastening: “Now no chastening seems to be joyful… afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness…” (11) So if the voice is a chastening it’s for your improvement and comes from the Lord’s.
  So what kind of voice do you hear? John gives us guidance when he presents this issue about what you hear. Examples: Jesus’ words in John 10:27, “My sheep hear My voice and I know them, and they follow me.” And, 18:37 Jesus says, “…Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” A check in my spirit or a sense of peace guides, but my lessons have been based on those scriptures and give me a guide and standard to judge the voices so I can confidently determine what I will do. 
Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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