‘Small stuff’…

  Years ago a friend gave me a book called: “God is in the small stuff… and it all matters” (highly recommend). Love the title but love the thought more. And… it’s true. There is no insignificant ‘stuff’ with God because He is interested and concerned about everything that impacts and influences us. What a terrific lesson to learn (and retain). Why would the God of the Universe be interested or even care about our individual ‘small stuff’? I’m beginning to think that it’s because He care so deeply for us that even when we relegate the (fill in the blank) to small stuff status, He will take the time to be involved in our small stuffs.

  I also believe that since He will involve Himself in our ‘lesser’ concerns that this gives us an insight into the ‘Who’ of God. We always have the opportunity to see His hand work when the issue is a major one, however to believe that He would leave us to our own devices in other areas without showing an interest belies Who He says and demonstrates He is. For me, I’ve learned that when I don’t see the hand of God in a situation I may be looking in the ‘wrong’ direction.

  The more one considers this thought the more we realize that we are the ones that don’t involve the Lord in our small stuffs – He never eliminates Himself. This can also lead us into a consideration of what it is we value. If we don’t ‘value’ our small stuffs then we probably won’t even consider asking the Lord what to do, when to do it, how to do it, etc. This really is folly on our part because what we don’t always realize is the extent to which small stuffs are active and take up the vast majority of the times of our lives.

  I’ve also learned that our ‘small stuffs’ are far more significant than we typically realize. These influence us far more than we give them credit. Small stuff is really defined individually. But one of my lessons, discoveries is seeing God in the small stuff. And focusing on why He would/does care is a waste of time and energy. He does care and He is involved … to the degree that we let Him. Sounds silly doesn’t it – our permission for God to be God. But it’s true. He can only be as much, as big as He is to the degree that we permit. It’s not that our ‘permission’ dismisses who and what God is and does, He is always all that He is – we just don’t participate in this abundance. (Ever consider this?)

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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